[00:00.42]Hi, Todd. 你好,托德。 [00:03.00]Hey, how's it going, Howard? So I heard that you're really into motorcycles. 你好,你过得怎么样,霍华德?我听说你很迷摩托车? [00:06.23]Ah, yes, I love motorcyles. I've been riding motorcycles since I was 15 years old. 是的,我喜欢摩托车。我从15岁开始就骑摩托车了。 [00:11.51]Oh, really. Wow! So, what's the allure of motorcycles? 哦,真的。哇!摩托车吸引你的地方在于? [00:14.73]Freedom. I like the fresh air. I like being out on my own. And I just like the feeling of riding on a bike. It's like a bicycle without having to pedal and you go a lot faster. 自由。我喜欢呼吸新鲜空气。我喜欢自己出去逛,喜欢一个人骑摩托的感觉。就好像骑着一辆没有脚踏板的自行车,而且速度很快。 [00:26.91]Yeah, that's for sure. Do you have any good motorcylcle stories? 那是肯定的。你有什么好的关于摩托车的故事吗? [00:29.75]About 10,000 of them. 有很多很多。 [00:33.79]Well, have you ever like taken a special trip on a motorcycle? 你喜欢骑摩托车专门去旅行吗? [00:37.70]I've been all over the East coast of the United States, from Pennsylvania to Florida on a motorcycle. 我期摩托车走遍了美国东海岸,从宾夕法尼亚州出发一直到弗罗里达州。 [00:44.58]Oh, wow. 哇。 [00:45.45]Yeah, I've travelled many times and many different kinds of roads, and taken all kinds of camping trips on bikes. 我旅行过很多次,每次都走不同的路线。经历过各种野外露营。 [00:51.53]Wow, sounds great. So do you usually travel alone or in a group? 哇,听起来不错。你经常独自旅行还是参团旅行? [00:56.55]Almost always I go alone. Some guys like to travel together but I found I enjoyed it by myself most of all. 我几乎都是独自旅行的。有的人喜欢集体旅行,但我发现自己很享受独自旅行。 [01:04.50]Oh really. Oh, wow. Don't you get kind of lonely? 真的吗。哇,你不会觉得有点儿孤单吗? [01:06.95]Never, there's always a new adventure on every trip. 从来没有,每次旅行都是一场新的探险。 [01:10.19]Have you ever made any special friends out on the road? 你在旅途中结识过什么特别的朋友吗? [01:12.70]Sure, bikers are like a special kind of fraternity. Every biker knows each other, and we're all very close even though we're not close. 当然,骑手之间就像一个兄弟会。每个骑手都认识彼此,虽然我们之间可能相距很远,但我们彼此都很亲近。