[00:01.14]Some time later, the officer touched his shoulder and told him that the court was ready. 过了一会儿,警官拍了拍他的肩膀说,法庭已经准备就序。 [00:07.00]A magistrate was a judge who dealt with small crimes in local courts, and the magistrate for this district was well known. 担任审判官的是一位治安推事,治安推事主要是在地方法庭处理一些小的犯罪案。这位推事在他所管辖的区域里是很有名气的。 [00:14.16] His name was Mr Fang and he was a disagreeable, bad-tempered man. 他的名字叫范先生。他是个脾气很坏、难以相处的人。 [00:19.25]Today he was in a particularly bad mood. He frowned angrily at the old gentleman,and asked sharply, 特别是今天,他的心情极为不佳,他紧皱着眉头,生气地朝老头厉声问道: [00:26.53] "Who are you? " “你是什么人?” [00:29.16]"My name,sir,is Brown low . " “先生,我的名字叫布朗洛。” [00:31.50]"Officer! What is this man charged with? " “警官!这人被控什么罪名?” [00:35.26]"He"s not charged,sir,"answered the officer. "He"s accusing the boy. " “推事,他没有被控什么,”警官回答说,“他是这孩子的指控人。” [00:40.35]The magistrate looked at Mr Brown low from head to foot. "And what have you got to say? " 推事将布朗洛从头到脚地打量了一番,说:“你有什么要说的吗?” [00:46.01]Mr Brown low began to explain. "I was standing outside a book shop— "布朗洛先生开始解释,“我正站在一家书店的外面——” [00:50.21]"Be quiet,sir! "shouted Mr Fang. "Policeman! Now-you arrested the boy. What happened? " “安静,先生!”范先生大声地说,“警察!刚才——是你逮捕了这孩子,因为什么事?” [00:57.44]The policeman told the magistrate what he had heard, and how he had searched Oliver afterwards and found nothing. 警察向推事报告了他所听到的事情,以及经过搜身什么也没发现的情况。