[00:00.01]Mary's appearance on English soil threw Elizabeth into turmoil. 玛丽踏足英格兰使得伊丽莎白如坐针毡 [00:06.17]Was Mary her heir or wasn't she? 玛丽算是她的继承人吗 [00:08.10]After all, Elizabeth wasn't getting any younger, 35 in 1568. 毕竟 伊丽莎白年纪不小了 1568年她35岁 [00:15.38]The royal laundresses were still sending Cecil monthly evidence 皇家洗衣女工每个月还在给西塞尔呈送 [00:19.37]of her capacity to produce children, 她还能生育的证据 [00:22.16]but she was no nearer to getting married. 但她一点结婚的迹象也没有 [00:26.13]So would the fugitive Queen of Scots be treated like the next in line 那么逃亡的苏格兰女王会被当成继任者 [00:30.43]or at least as a fellow sovereign, a guest? 还是至少被视作座上宾呢 [00:34.36]Not exactly. 未必 [00:36.18]Mary's first request to Elizabeth 玛丽对伊丽莎白的第一个请求 [00:38.21]was for some clothes that befitted her status 就是赐予一些与她地位相称的衣服 [00:41.30]rather than the rags she had fled in. 而不是她逃亡时所穿的破衣烂衫 [00:44.40]What she got, after much complaining, 然而历经诸多抱怨后 [00:47.54]was a packet of linen. 她得到的是一包亚麻布 [00:53.16]Just as well perhaps that she didn't know 也许她不知道的是 [00:55.32]that Elizabeth was already wearing Mary's favourite pearls, 伊丽莎白已经戴上了玛丽最心爱的珍珠 [00:59.38]that'd been stolen from Mary by her enemies and sent to the English queen. 它们被玛丽的敌人偷来并呈送给英国女王