[00:00.21]It was at this point that Mary lost it 正是在此时 玛丽失去了一切 [00:03.39]lost control over her own body, 失去了人身自由 [00:06.15]lost the priceless political asset of her motherhood,soiled by her relationship with Bothwell. 她作为母亲那无价的政治资本 因为和波斯维尔的关系而被玷污以至丧失了 [00:11.26]Lost Scotland, lost the whole damned shooting match. 失去苏格兰 一着不慎满盘皆输 [00:16.12]The thing is, it need never have happened. 问题在于 这一切原本是可以避免的 [00:19.03]Had she been half the politician Elizabeth was, 只要她有着伊丽莎白一半的政治智慧 [00:22.21]she would have distanced herself from Bothwell, not married him. 她就会远离波斯维尔 而不是嫁给他 [00:25.58]Then she'd have come down like a ton of bricks on Darnley's murderers, 当时她本可以严惩谋杀达恩利的那些人 [00:29.51]professing herself to be shocked at the crime, truly shocked, 表示自己对这场罪行非常震惊 [00:34.36]then presenting herself to the people of Scotland 从而在苏格兰人心目中 [00:36.53]as a doubly victimised mother. 成为一名再度受害的母亲 [00:39.42]Instead, the mother let herself be turned into a whore. 然而 这位母亲却任自己沦落成一位妓女