[00:00.03]Lord Henry Darnley, 亨利·达恩利 [00:02.38]the handsome poster boy of Scottish nobility, 英俊的苏格兰贵族代表人物 [00:06.38]seemed a much better prospect. 看来像是更好的选择 [00:08.49]One look at Darnley's shapely calves 一看到达恩利那好看的小腿 [00:11.15]and Mary decided she must have him. 玛丽就下决心一定要得到他 [00:13.39]It helped that he too had Tudor blood flowing through his veins. 他的身体里同样流淌着都铎王室的血液 也是原因之一 [00:19.33]Unfortunately, a lot of whiskey ran through them too. 不幸的是 同样流淌在他身体里还有太多威士忌 [00:23.10]Too late, Mary discovered she had married a lazy, dissolute drunk, 玛丽发现自己嫁了一个懒惰的酒鬼时 为时已晚 [00:27.38]incapable of doing even the minimal things required of a co-sovereign. 他根本没有能力与玛丽联合执政