[00:00.23]Perhaps things might be better between the two of them 如果玛丽接受了伊丽莎白以胜利者姿态 [00:04.01]if Mary accepted Elizabeth's choice of a safe Protestant husband for her, 给她安排的可靠的新教徒丈夫罗伯特·达德利 [00:08.40]in the winning form of Robert Dudley. 她们俩之间的关系可能还会好点 [00:10.42]One tiny problem with this plan, though, 但这个计划有个问题 [00:15.27]Mary had no intention of being told what to do by Elizabeth. 玛丽无意听命于伊丽莎白 [00:19.36]Anyway, everyone knew 而且大家都知道 [00:21.28]that after the death of his wife, Robert Dudley was spoiled goods. 罗伯特·达德利自从丧妻之后脾气非常坏