[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:01.14]Yeah. Yeah, but he has flaws. He does. 但他也有缺点,有缺点。   [00:04.45]He is flawed.  What do you mean? Well, he hates cashews. 什么意思?他最讨厌。   [00:11.54]which is weird. 吃腰果,很奇怪。   [00:13.33]And sometimes he doesn't wear socks with sneakers. 有时穿鞋不穿袜,好白痴。   [00:15.57]I just think that's gross.Jane. Jane, those aren't exactly deal-breakers. 那些不会扣分吧,珍,那些并不完全破坏交易。   [00:21.43]Deal. Wh-What deal? 扣分、扣什么分?   [00:25.02]I mean, nothing happened between the two of you tonight, did it? 你们二人没发生什么吧?   [00:28.58]Did it? Well. 有发生?唔。   [00:32.19]Oh. I got ya. Nice. 明白,很好。   [00:34.12]Mmm. (Laughs) Fun. 有趣,很有趣。   [00:35.03]Sounds fun. (Sighs)  Dad? Oh, hey, sweetie. 爸?   [00:37.45]How are you? Oh, you didn't have to. 乖女儿,你好吗?唤。  [00:51.51]Tessie! Oh! Oh! 蒂莎。   [00:55.41]Hi. Look at you. 看看你。   [00:58.09](Laughs, Sighs) Oh, Dad. This place looks exactly the same. 这儿一点也没变。   [01:02.49]Now that's not fair. 看不见那新篷吗?   [01:03.56]I got a brand-new awning. I just stripped and re-varnished all the woodwork. Look. 还粉饰了所有木器,我只是剥夺和再保险漆所有木制品。   [01:08.05]New cash register. Digital. Oh. 新的数码收银机。   [01:10.24]Wow, Dad. I'm sorry. I don't know how I missed all these. 对不起,爸,我怎么没看见。   [01:13.30]remarkable improvements. 这些大改善。   [01:15.24]Give me that: Let's go upstairs. 给我,上楼去。   [01:19.01]There we go. 吃吧。   [01:20.43]Dad, aren't we a little old for these? 我们吃这个不嫌太老?   [01:24.02]No. Good, 'cause I love 'em! 不。   [01:25.27](Laughs) So, Tess, how long you here for? 很好,我爱吃。打算留多久,蒂莎?   [01:30.16]One to two weeks, right? That's what you said. 一两星期,是吗?   [01:33.02]Um, actually, it just depends on how a few things pan out. 要看能不能搞定咯。