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经典名著:《西游记》The Journey To The West


西游记(The Journey To The West)简介:

Journey to the West is a classic Chinese mythological novel. It was written during the Ming Dynasty based on traditional folktales. Consisting of 100 chapters, this fantasy relates the adventures of a Tang Dynasty (618-907) priest Sanzang and his three disciples, Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand, as they travel west in search of Buddhist Sutra. The first seven chapters recount the birth of the Monkey King and his rebellion against Heaven. Then in chapters eight to twelve, we learn how Sanzang was born and why he is searching for the scriptures, as well as his preparations for the journey. The rest of the story describes how they vanquish demons and monsters, tramp over the Fiery Mountain, cross the Milky Way, and after overcoming many dangers, finally arrive at their destination - the Thunder Monastery in the Western Heaven - and find the Sutra.

名为《西游记》的著作主要有三部:其一为元道士丘处机的地理著作《西游记》;其二为杨景贤的杂剧《西游记》;其三为“华阳洞天主人”(一般认为是吴承恩或李春芳)的小说《西游记》。《西游记》经无数民间艺人和作者付出巨大劳动之后,于明朝中叶,由明代小说家 吴承恩编撰而成。此书描写的是孙悟空、猪八戒、沙和尚保唐僧西天取经、历经九九八十一难的故事。

上传时间:2012-06-18 13:05:59 | 下载次数:0 | 文件大小: 2000 KB

关键字: 经典
