GRE数学考点:交集和并集。 新GRE数学相当于中国高中数学的水平,对考生来说没有太大的问题,不过,考生依然要认真对待,以免造成不必要的失分。 下面是小编为同学们搜索整理的有关GRE数学考点:交集和并集的介绍。希望对同学们的gre 考试有所帮助,下面和天道小编一起来看看吧:
Intersection of two sets is another set with only the members that are in both sets. If the two sets do not share any common member, the intersection is the empty set with no member.
Intersection of {1,2,3} and {2,3,5} is the set {2,3}。
Intersection of the set with all primes and the set with all even numbers is the set {2} since only 2 is both even and prime.
Intersection of {1,2,3} and {4,5,6} is the empty set {}。
Intersection contains only the common members.
Two sets are disjoint if they have no member in common, that is they have an empty intersection.
Union of Sets
Union of two sets is another set with all the members from both sets.
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