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来源:新东方 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  Questions 18-22

  Eight representatives—Gold, Herrera, Jones, Karami,

  Lowell, Nakamura, Orson, and Porter—will be scheduled

  to present information at four project meetings: W, X, Y

  and Z. Each representative will be scheduled for exactly

  one meeting, and at least one representative will be

  scheduled for each meeting. The meetings will be held

  one at a time, one after another. The order of the meet-

  ings and the schedule of representatives for the meetings

  must meet the following conditions:

  Meeting W is held first, and exactly three representa-

  tives are scheduled for it.

  Meeting X is held at some time before meeting Y.

  Gold and Herrera are both scheduled for meeting X.

  Karami is scheduled for meeting Z.

  Orson is scheduled for the same meeting as Porter.

  18.If the meetings are scheduled in the order W, X, Y,

  Z, which of the following can be the schedule of

  representatives for the meetings?

  W     X    Y     Z

  (A) Gold   lowell    Orson   Karami

  Herrera     Nakamura Porter


  (B) Jones  Gold     Orson   Karami

  Lowell  Herrera   Porter   Nakamura

  (C) Jones  Gold     Nakamura Orson

  Loweil  Herrera  Porter   Karami

  (D) Jones  Gold     Orson    Karami

  Lowell  Herrera   Porter   Nakamura

  (E) Jones  Gold     Orson   Karami

  Lowell  Herrera   Porter   Nakamura

  19.If Orson is scheduled for meeting Y, which of the

  following can be true?

  (A) Gold is scheduled for the same meeting as


  (B) Herrera is scheduled for the same meeting as


  (C) Jones is scheduled for the second meeting.

  (D) Karami is scheduled for the third meeting.

  (E) Lowell is scheduled for the fourth meeting.

  20.If Gold and Jones are both scheduled for the third

  meeting, which of the following must be true?

  (A) Herrera is scheduled for the first meeting.

  (B) Lowell is scheduled for the first meeting.

  (C) Porter is scheduled for the first meeting.

  (D) Karami is scheduled for the same meeting as


  (E) Lowell is scheduled for the same meeting as


  21.If Nakamura is scheduled for the third meeting and

  Karami is scheduled for the fourth meeting, which of

  the following must be true?

  (A) Herrera is scheduled for the second meeting.

  (B) Jones is scheduled for the second meeting.

  (C) Lowell is scheduled for meeting Y.

  (D) Nakamura is scheduled for meeting Z.

  (E) Porter is scheduled for meeting Y.

  22.If no other representative is scheduled for the meeting

  for which Jones is scheduled, any of the following

  can be true EXCEPT:

  (A) Jones is scheduled for the third meeting.

  (B) Lowell is scheduled for the second meeting.

  (C) Nakamura is schedule for the fourth meeting.

  (D) Lowell is scheduled for meeting Z.

  (E) Nakamura is scheduled for meeting Y.

  23 The town of San Leonardo has recently enacted a law

  banning smoking in all restaurants within town limits.

  Since many smokers who normally dine in San

  Leonardo's restaurants will not want to refrain from

  smoking during their meals, San Leonardo's restau-

  rants will undoubtedly lose many patrons and con-

  siderable income.

  Which of the following, if true, most helps to

  strengthen the argument above?

  (A) Most residents of San Leonardo who eat in res-

  taurants are not smokers.

  (B) Most smokers who dine in the company of non-

  smokers are willing to refrain from smoking

  during their meals.

  (C) If the law banning smoking in restaurants had

  not been enacted, it is likely that a more

  stringent law banning smoking in all public

  places in San Leonardo would have been

  enacted instead.

  (D) Prior to the enactment of the law banning

  smoking in San Leonardo's restaurant, the

  town had a law that required most restaurants

  to have nonsmoking sections.

  (E) None of the other communities adjacent to San

  Leonardo, which have restaurants comparable

  to those of San Leonardo, has enacted and

  enforces any antismoking legislation.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能

discount ['diskaunt]


n. 折扣,贴现率
vt. 打折扣,贴现,不重

statue ['stætju:]


n. 塑像,雕像

adjacent [ə'dʒeisnt]


adj. 毗连的,邻近的,接近的

toxic ['tɔksik]


adj. 有毒的
n. 有毒物质

reimburse [.ri:im'bə:s]


vt. 偿还,报销

severe [si'viə]


adj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的

questioning ['kwestʃəniŋ]


n. 质问 v. 询问,审问(question的现在分词

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的


关键字: 模拟 试题 GRE




