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时间:2009-11-9 14:44:30  来源:普特论坛  作者:eleen   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

This is where the school round start for six children from Papa Westray, their school is on another island, and to get there for this term early, they are taken to the skies. The day begins with Papa Westray airstrip, at once they’ve taken off, there is not far to go, because this is the world’s shortest scheduled air service.

From here Papa Westray is only a mile or so away, the children would normally travel across by boat, but the ferry they use isn’t available at the moment. So they are flying high instead.

The flight to neighboring Westray lasts for just a couple of minutes, this hardly a moment to take in the spectacular scenery below. But as far as the kids are concerned, it’s a pretty cool way to get to school.

Nobody else so probably would be Diana, so it’s great and for us. Cause we’ll be the only ones that would be Diana at all probably, so it’s a great gift.
You hardly get times in. She would just late. Because it’s only lasts two minutes then, Johnny shows us, we sure that.

Once they’ve landed, it’s back to normality again with lessons at the Westray School. Loganair which runs Orkney into island air services are sold to this timetable to make sure the children get there each day until the ferry become available again. But for now, going home means another take off with a quick hop back to Papa Westray.


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