标题:Has Sequoia Capital outgrown its business model?
Venture capital’s hardiest perennial gets back to its roots
正文:The first thing that catches your eye when you enter the poshly serene headquarters of Sequoia Capital on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California, is a metre-wide cross-section of what appears to be a redwood. On closer inspection it turns out to have been a tree in the past—38m years ago, according to a plaque on the back. Now it is solid stone. A gift from Roelof Botha, the venture-capital (VC) firm’s current boss, and his wife, it reminds employees and guests of the durability of the organisation they are visiting, which has existed since 1972. In the accelerated time of Silicon Valley, that is aeons.
知识点:posh adj.
1. elegant and expensive优雅豪华的;富丽堂皇的
a posh hotel豪华旅馆
You look very posh in your new suit.你穿上新衣服显得雍容华贵。
2. typical of or used by people who belong to a high social class上流社会的;上等人的
a posh accent/voice 上等人的腔调╱嗓子
They live in the posh part of town.他们生活在本市的富人区。