标题:What will happen the day after the US election?
正文:Late on election night four years ago, Donald Trump saw the so-called “red mirage” and pounced. His vote count was still ahead of Joe Biden in several swing states. Around 2.30am he appeared before White House cameras to declare victory. Any ballots counted after then would be fraudulent, Trump said. His aim was to exploit the fact that far more Democrats than Republicans had voted by mail, which meant the “blue shift” would take time to show up. It was another three days before Pennsylvania completed its tally and Biden was
declared the winner.
知识点:mirage n.
1. an effect caused by hot air in deserts or on roads, that makes you think you can see sth, such as water, which is not there
2. a hope or wish that you cannot make happen because it is not realistic幻想;妄想
His idea of love was a mirage.他的爱情观不现实。