Women's sport may be all over our tellies and as popular as it's ever been.
But a group of MPs say that from the elite level down to the grassroots, women and girls are still being held back.
A new report has highlighted a lack of support for girls' health and barriers they face at different stages of life.
"When it comes to puberty, the rate of drop off for girls is incredibly high.
And some of that is to do with PE kit, some of it's to do with the type of sports that are available to them.
But primarily, we're really concerned about a lack of access to kit that is designed and structured for women, and the lack of research that ever goes into female sport."
The report says there is not enough research looking into injuries that are common in female professional athletes.
And it also highlights the lack of football boots, specifically designed for women and girls.
There's a call for schools to improve their teaching around the menstrual cycle, so that young people feel less anxious about taking part in physical activity during their period.
Former England goalkeeper Rachael Brown Finnis, who says she's faced challenges throughout her junior and professional career, says reports like this can have a long term impact.
"Over 2 million women and girls who play football in this country make zero money out of it at all.
And they are putting careers, their student lives, what they do alongside football at risk.
Probing the questions, pushing for change. Yes, we can make a difference."
The reports have suggested that a new government taskforce should be set up to bring about change and help create even more sporting stars of the future.