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Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain under the microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜.

Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone.

This one will probably take more of a toll on your mental health, and also possibly your physical health, it’s called Naked Attraction.

Okay. Is it restricted? It sounds like it's R or Triple-X, it's not adult content, is it?

Let me tell you what happens and you can be the judge.


It's a dating show.

Called naked attraction?

Where a fully clothed person is surrounded by six naked people in a booth. And their bodies and faces are gradually revealed with the chooser then getting naked themselves.

I'm sorry this just sounds pornographic.

Is quite pornographic and it actually got a lot of complaints because of this.


And the whole idea is for the people to find each other and then they go on a date, fully clothed.

Are you sure you didn't mistake? You know. Like those adult sites you've been visiting?

I checked this on wikipedia, I checked this online and this is what happened.

And this is allowed to be shown on TV.

Very late at night.

But still...

I know.

Wow. And then the winner goes on fully closed dates.

Well yeah. I think that's the prize. They could go on a naked date, but you know it's gonna be awkward in a restaurant.

Whoever thought of this and have been watching too much porn I think.


Yeah, okay. But they're bound to be some reality shows that you can get on board with. I think.

Well, if you don't really wanna see lots of naked people or watch a reality show that's around murder or sex, then you can always watch the great British bake off.

We go from the extreme pornographic to the extreme wholesome.


Fun for the whole family. Bake off. 一旦有什么off, 就是一个it's a battle.


Like dance off.

Dance off, Bake off, Cook off.

So it's a baking competition.

It's a baking competition.

The great British Bake off. I've heard this for years, it has been around for some time.

It's been around since 2010.


And it's a baking competition where judges go round tasting cakes.

Sounds fun. I watched that.

Yeah. Some of the winners actually become really famous and they become bakers and…


celebrity bakers themselves. And this is actually what caused a massive interest in baking in the UK; and during the pandemic, lots of British people started to …

Bake stuff.

bake stuff. They start to get into baking.

Same here, same in China. I think it's because the baking materials and ingredients are so much easier to get than like fresh ingredients that you have to get for everyday cooking. The baking you have flour powders and all that you can store, but the vegetables, you can't.

That's it.

So obviously 3 years of pandemic really boosted the show's rating.

Oh yeah, very much. So.

Do you ever watch cooking shows or baking shows?

Emm, not really, not really, the one that I like to watch.

This is going to be the boring stuff.

It's not boring. Okay. There's not much violence or sex in it. It's called The Repair Shop.

Are you serious? It even sounds boring. It's called The Repairs Shop. 就是修理店. Please don't tell me this is just a repairman fixing stuff.

It's even better than that. Guys, I would say watch this show, it's brilliant. It's actually really sentimental. This show focuses on members of the public, bringing in the damage family heirlooms.

Family heirloom就是传家宝.

Yeah, or objects that are very special to them.

So for example, the latest episode I watched was a woman who bought her favorite teddy bear, or a father and daughter that brought a picture of their grandfather.

Okay. And all of these are they wanted to be repaired.

They want it to be repaired so that they can use it in the future or they can display it.

Emm, and who are the repairmen?

They're normally experts that are doing it for free.

So for example, you have expert watch makers, you have expert art storers, pretty much anything you can imagine. And it's all set in this barn in this historic village where they go in, they take what they want to be repaired, and then at the end, after you see the expert repairing it, which I really like it's quite relaxing to watch that, then you see them show in the item to whoever brought it in.

I bet some people would be tearing up.

Yeah, some people do tear up.

It sounds really nostalgic.

Actually, I shouldn't have made fun of you. That sounds like...

You should never make fun of me.

No, that sounds like a really sentimental, really warm, fuzzy, feel-good type of show.

It is. And…

But I also know that you watch another type of show. I think that's reality show, I'm not sure, is called antique road show, something like that?

Antique road shows, sometimes I watch it.

It's basically members of the public. That they bring in antiques to be valued by experts.

Sometimes it could be nothing, but sometimes it could be really a high price.

Oh, it could be millions of pounds. I can't remember the exact details, but they found like lost paintings by really famous artists, that people had no idea that they actually owned, and they would bring them into the antique road show, and it will be worth millions of pounds.

Yeah. That also is a very popular show in the UK.

But there's also a little bit of, I would say joy, it's a little bit kind of exploitation maybe, because people are always watching the reaction of the other person, so like when they say “oh, that's worth£10”, and you see them trying not to look really disappointed, and they actually really are, you look at their face; or you see someone who's told “oh, this is worth£100,000” and they kind of trying not to like jump up for joy, and they're just trying to stay calm and collect. That's actually quite funny.

I know.

So Lulu, do you have any favorite reality TV shows?

Actually, I do. But it's not British one, it's American one.


But I have lots of channels at home. And I do watch the Food Network, I’m a huge fan of cooking shows and just anything was cooking restaurants and all that.

Like sort of master chef.

Not master chef, I watched a thing called restaurant impossible.

Oh, I've seen that.

It's actually a British chef who moved to the States.

I’ve seen that.

Yeah, he's like a celebrity chef. He goes to fix restaurants that are going bankrupt.


From the decor to the menu to the management to the service and they reopen, pretty much turning their life around, I just think that's also a feel-good show for me.

Yeah. I do like feel-good shows, so relaxing to watch.

Yeah. Exactly. And there are also some brilliant Chinese reality shows. After we finish this recording, I'll write some down for you.

Sounds great.

And let's wrap up here. Leave us a comment in the comment section. Let us know which are your favorite reality shows be it Chinese or from other country, give us some ideas and recommendations.

Yeah, cause exactly I would love to hear some of the Chinese reality shows that I could watch.


And on that note we're gonna wrap up here. Thank you, 安澜 for coming to the studio, we'll see you next time.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

antique [æn'ti:k]


adj. 古代的
n. 古物,古董

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

bankrupt ['bæŋkrʌpt]


adj. 破产的,贫穷的,道德败坏的,枯竭的

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

sentimental [.senti'mentl]


adj. 感伤性的,感情脆弱的

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

nostalgic [nɔs'tældʒik]


adj. 怀旧的,乡愁的

pandemic [pæn'demik]


adj. 全国流行的 n. (全国或全世界范围流行的)疾





