Milley and other military officers deserve praise for protecting democracy, but their actions should also cause deep unease.
In the American system, it is the voters, the courts, and Congress that are meant to serve as checks on a president’s behavior, not the generals.
Civilians provide direction, funding, and oversight; the military then follows lawful orders.
文职官员提供指导、资金和监督; 军事官员则服从合法的命令。
The difficulty of the task before Milley was captured most succinctly by Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster, the second of Trump’s four national security advisers.
“As chairman, you swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, but what if the commander in chief is undermining the Constitution?” McMaster said to me.
“作为主席,你发誓支持和捍卫美国宪法,但如果最高统帅正在破坏宪法呢?” 麦克马斯特对我说。
For the actions he took in the last months of the Trump presidency, Milley, whose four-year term as chairman, and 43-year career as an Army officer, concluded at the end of September, has been condemned by elements of the far right.
Kash Patel, whom Trump installed in a senior Pentagon role in the final days of his administration, refers to Milley as “the Kraken of the swamp.”
Trump himself has accused Milley of treason.
Sebastian Gorka, a former Trump White House official, has said that Milley deserves to be placed in “shackles and leg irons.”
If a second Trump administration were to attempt this, however, the Trumpist faction would be opposed by the large group of ex-Trump-administration officials who believe that the former president continues to pose a unique threat to American democracy, and who believe that Milley is a hero for what he did to protect the country and the Constitution.
“Mark Milley had to contain the impulses of people who wanted to use the United States military in very dangerous ways,” Kelly told me.
“Mark had a very, very difficult reality to deal with in his first two years as chairman, and he served honorably and well. The president couldn’t fathom people who served their nation honorably.”