Partly this reluctance came from political philosophers’ unwillingness to admit that they browse the Twitter feed of a genocidal nudist. [qh]
Partly it was their worry that they had unwittingly been complicit in BAPism’s spread by sending their students to intern in Washington, and to staff offices on Capitol Hill and in conservative institutions such as the Heritage Foundation.[qh]
From there, BAPism reached members of the right who lack philosophical training— young men whose main interest is not in the rise or fall of the American civic religion but in something more primal, an urge they themselves hardly understand, let alone control. [qh]
“There is a level of self-loathing anger out there among adolescent and early-20s fucked-up males,” one Republican operative told me. [qh]
To them the world is dry, purposeless, and designed for the flourishing of anyone but them. [qh]
Conservatism in the old way—not Bronze Age old, but Reagan old—does not satisfy them. [qh]
过去的保守主义——不是Bronze Age时代的,而是里根时代的——并不能让他们满意
“BAPism essentially involves re-enchanting the world and giving purpose to these young guys,” the operative told me. “And for some reason we can’t.”[qh]
“Do you watch X-Men?” Vish Burra, a 32-year-old legislative aide to Representative George Santos of New York, asked me recently. [qh]
He said BAP’s followers hid out in government like mutants in the Marvel Comics universe. [qh]
(The leader of the mutants, Professor Charles Xavier, can put on a special helmet and scan the world for fellow mutants.) [qh]
“The movement’s coagulating, connecting,” Burra said, and only at private gatherings and parties will the BAPists on Capitol Hill confess their devotion. [qh]
Someday, he said, they’ll go public, with a “big reveal.” [qh]
But that moment will not come until the BAPists “get in position first,” Burra said. [qh]
“Why would I [reveal myself] before I’m in front of the control panel?”[qh]