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来源:纽约时报 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Three years ago, B. Dylan Hollis was an unemployed musician in Wyoming who had never baked anything outside a home-economics class, much less written a recipe.
  • 三年前,B. 迪伦·霍利斯还是怀俄明州的一个待业音乐人,除了家政课之外,他从未烘焙过任何东西,更不用说写食谱了。
  • Last month, his debut cookbook, "Baking Yesteryear," became the best-selling book in the country. Not just the best-selling cookbook -- the No.1 book.
  • 上个月,他的烹饪书处女作《旧日烘焙》成为美国最畅销的书。不仅仅是烹饪类书籍中最畅销的,而且是所有种类中的头号畅销书。
  • "Baking Yesteryear," which features vintage American recipes, sold 150,000 copies on its first day, and was one of the most preordered books in the history of its publisher, Penguin Random House -- just behind memoirs by the Obamas and Prince Harry.
  • 《旧日烘焙》以美国的古老食谱为特色,首日售出15万册,也是其出版商企鹅兰登书屋有史以来预订量最高的书籍之一,仅次于奥巴马夫妇和哈里王子的回忆录。
  • Mr. Hollis has no political career or royal-family drama propelling his book. What he does have is 10.2 million followers on TikTok, where he has been posting cooking videos since 2020.
  • 霍利斯没有从政经历或王室剧情来推销这本书。但他在TikTok上拥有1020万粉丝,自2020年以来他一直在这个平台上发布烹饪视频。
  • Mr. Hollis, 28, has big, curious eyes and a shapely swoop of hair, and peppers his rapid-fire speech with quaint expressions like "Oh, heavens!"
  • 28岁的霍利斯有着一双好奇的大眼睛,头发梳成波浪造型,讲话时语速飞快,夹杂着许多复古的表达,比如"哦,天哪!"
  • Like many people, he got bored during the pandemic and began baking. Instead of making sourdough, he channeled his love for all things antique into preparing recipes from old community cookbooks.
  • 像许多人一样,他在疫情期间感到无聊,于是开始烘焙。他没有做酸面团,而是把对复古之物的热爱引入烘焙,从社区老食谱中创造菜单。
  • His August 2020 TikTok video about pork cake racked up millions of views, and less than two years later, he signed a cookbook deal for what he would only describe as a "grand amount of money."
  • 他在2020年8月发布了一条做猪肉蛋糕的TikTok视频,这个视频累计获得了数百万的点击量,不到两年后,他就签了一份撰写烹饪书的合约,关于这份合约,他只透露其"报酬不菲"。
  • He is one of several TikTok creators, many of them with little or no professional cooking experience, who have gone from tinkering in their home kitchens to topping best-seller lists in a remarkably short time.
  • 霍利斯与几位TikTok创作者一样,他们大多数几乎没有专业烹饪经验,但他们在非常短的时间内从在家里的厨房鼓鼓捣捣,而一跃登上了畅销书排行榜的榜首。
  • In the process, they've shot a jolt of energy into a sagging cookbook market. Overall sales of cookbooks have fallen 14.5 percent from a year ago, according to the consumer analytics company Circana, and the top 50 cookbooks sold an average of 96,000 copies in the last 12 months.
  • 在这个过程中,他们为低迷的烹饪书市场注入了一股活力。根据消费者分析公司Circana的数据,烹饪书的总体销量比一年前下降了14.5%,排名前50的烹饪书在过去12个月里的平均销量为9.6万册。
  • By comparison, "An Unapologetic Cookbook" by Joshua Weissman (seven million TikTok followers) has sold 316,000 copies. And Mr. Hollis's "Baking Yesteryear" has sold more than 165,000.
  • 相比之下,约书亚·韦斯曼(TikTok粉丝为700万)的《不说道歉的食谱》售出了31.6万册。霍利斯的《旧日烘焙》也卖出了超过16.5万册。
  • No one is more surprised than Mr. Hollis. "I have only been baking for two years," said Mr. Hollis, who divides his time between Wyoming and Bermuda, where he grew up.
  • 没有人比霍利斯更感到惊讶。"我只做了两年的烘焙,"霍利斯说,他在怀俄明州和百慕大(他的家乡)两地生活。
  • "To be known for baking without being trained or even particularly well-versed in the topic, now that is a very peculiar notion." "You have to ask yourself, ‘Who deserves to publish a cookbook?'" he said.
  • "在没有受过培训,甚至没有特别精通烘焙的情况下而以烘焙闻名,这真的非常奇怪。""你必须问问自己,‘谁有资格出版一本烹饪书?'"他说。
  • The answer is changing rapidly. TikTok has altered what people look for in a cookbook -- or a cookbook author, said Vanessa Santos, the executive vice president of the publicity firm Mona Creative, which represents several cookbook writers.
  • 答案正在迅速发生变化。宣传公司Mona Creative的执行副总裁瓦妮莎·桑托斯说,TikTok已经改变了人们对烹饪书或烹饪书作者的期望。Mona Creative是几位烹饪书作者的代理公司。
  • "A recipe doesn't need to be all that new or perfect," she said. "It is really just: Are they connecting with a personality?"
  • "食谱不一定要特别新奇或完美。"她说,"其实最主要的就是:人们与某个网络名人建立了联系吗?"
  • Not everyone agrees, even cookbook authors with big fan bases of their own. "When you do a 20-second video making a cake, it is really entertaining and interesting," said David Lebovitz, 64, the Paris-based cookbook author. "But once again, people want solid recipes."
  • 并不是每个人都同意这一点,即便是拥有庞大粉丝基础的烹饪书作者。64岁的大卫·勒博维茨是一位定居巴黎的烹饪书作者,他说:"拍一段20秒的制作蛋糕的视频确实很有娱乐性、很有趣。但我还是要说,人们想要可靠的食谱。"


Three years ago, B. Dylan Hollis was an unemployed musician in Wyoming who had never baked anything outside a home-economics class, much less written a recipe.

三年前,B. 迪伦·霍利斯还是怀俄明州的一个待业音乐人,除了家政课之外,他从未烘焙过任何东西,更不用说写食谱了。

Last month, his debut cookbook, "Baking Yesteryear," became the best-selling book in the country. Not just the best-selling cookbook -- the No.1 book.


"Baking Yesteryear," which features vintage American recipes, sold 150,000 copies on its first day, and was one of the most preordered books in the history of its publisher, Penguin Random House -- just behind memoirs by the Obamas and Prince Harry.


Mr. Hollis has no political career or royal-family drama propelling his book. What he does have is 10.2 million followers on TikTok, where he has been posting cooking videos since 2020.


Mr. Hollis, 28, has big, curious eyes and a shapely swoop of hair, and peppers his rapid-fire speech with quaint expressions like "Oh, heavens!"


Like many people, he got bored during the pandemic and began baking. Instead of making sourdough, he channeled his love for all things antique into preparing recipes from old community cookbooks.


His August 2020 TikTok video about pork cake racked up millions of views, and less than two years later, he signed a cookbook deal for what he would only describe as a "grand amount of money."


He is one of several TikTok creators, many of them with little or no professional cooking experience, who have gone from tinkering in their home kitchens to topping best-seller lists in a remarkably short time.


In the process, they've shot a jolt of energy into a sagging cookbook market. Overall sales of cookbooks have fallen 14.5 percent from a year ago, according to the consumer analytics company Circana, and the top 50 cookbooks sold an average of 96,000 copies in the last 12 months.


By comparison, "An Unapologetic Cookbook" by Joshua Weissman (seven million TikTok followers) has sold 316,000 copies. And Mr. Hollis's "Baking Yesteryear" has sold more than 165,000.


No one is more surprised than Mr. Hollis. "I have only been baking for two years," said Mr. Hollis, who divides his time between Wyoming and Bermuda, where he grew up.


"To be known for baking without being trained or even particularly well-versed in the topic, now that is a very peculiar notion." "You have to ask yourself, ‘Who deserves to publish a cookbook?'" he said.


The answer is changing rapidly. TikTok has altered what people look for in a cookbook -- or a cookbook author, said Vanessa Santos, the executive vice president of the publicity firm Mona Creative, which represents several cookbook writers.

答案正在迅速发生变化。宣传公司Mona Creative的执行副总裁瓦妮莎·桑托斯说,TikTok已经改变了人们对烹饪书或烹饪书作者的期望。Mona Creative是几位烹饪书作者的代理公司。

"A recipe doesn't need to be all that new or perfect," she said. "It is really just: Are they connecting with a personality?"


Not everyone agrees, even cookbook authors with big fan bases of their own. "When you do a 20-second video making a cake, it is really entertaining and interesting," said David Lebovitz, 64, the Paris-based cookbook author. "But once again, people want solid recipes."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

recipe ['resipi]


n. 食谱,秘诀,药方

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

entertaining [entə'teiniŋ]


adj. 引起乐趣的,娱乐性的,令人愉快的 n. 招待,

antique [æn'ti:k]


adj. 古代的
n. 古物,古董

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随





