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来源:纽约时报 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The Supreme Court on Thursday limited the E.P.A.'s ability to regulate carbon emissions from power plants, making it much tougher for President Biden to achieve his goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by the end of the decade.
  • 周四,最高法院限制了环境保护局监管发电厂碳排放的职能,这使得拜登总统更加难以实现其目标,即在2030年底之前将温室气体排放量减少一半。
  • The vote was 6 to 3, with the court's three liberal justices in dissent, saying that the majority had stripped the E.P.A. of "the power to respond to the most pressing environmental challenge of our time."
  • 投票结果是6比3,最高法院的三名自由派法官持反对意见,称多数意见剥夺了环保局"应对当今时代最紧迫的环境挑战的权力"。
  • In ruling against the E.P.A., the Supreme Court again waded into a politically divisive issue on the final day of a blockbuster term, adding to the conservative super majority's decisions to eliminate the constitutional right to abortion, vastly expand gun rights and further erode the wall separating church and state.
  • 做出对环保局不利的裁决,让最高法院在轰动事件不断的任期的最后一天,再次介入了一个具有政治分歧的问题,增加了保守派占绝大多数意见的裁决,这些裁决包括废除宪法规定的堕胎权、极大地扩大持枪权,以及进一步侵蚀政教分离的围墙。
  • The implications of the ruling could extend well beyond environmental policy. It also signals that the court's newly expanded conservative majority is deeply skeptical of the power of administrative agencies to address major issues facing the nation and the planet.
  • 这项裁决的影响可能远不止于环境政策。这也表明,最高法院新扩大的保守派多数席位对行政机构解决国家和地球面临的重大问题的能力深表怀疑。
  • The decision set off criticism from the left, but voices from the coal industry and conservative states praised the ruling.
  • 这一裁决招致了左翼的批评,但煤炭行业和保守州则表示称赞。
  • Mr. Biden, left with far fewer tools to fight climate change, said the ruling was "another devastating decision that aims to take our country backwards."
  • 拜登用来应对气候变化的工具已所剩无几,他表示这项裁决是"旨在让国家倒退的又一个毁灭性决定。"
  • He vowed to take action even as the court limited his ability to act, adding: "We cannot and will not ignore the danger to public health and existential threat the climate crisis poses."
  • 他郑重宣告要采取行动,尽管法院限制了他的执行能力,他补充说:"我们不能也不会忽视对公共健康的危险,以及气候危机带来的生存威胁。"
  • Patrick Morrisey, the attorney general of West Virginia and one of the leaders of the challenge to the E.P.A.'s authority, welcomed the decision.
  • 西弗吉尼亚州检察长帕特里克·莫里西是带头挑战环保局权威的人之一,他对这一裁决表示欢迎。
  • "E.P.A. can no longer sidestep Congress to exercise broad regulatory power that would radically transform the nation's energy grid and force states to fundamentally shift their energy portfolios away from coal-fired generation," he said.
  • 他说:"环保局再也不能绕过国会行使广泛的监管权力,这种权力会从根本上改变美国的能源网络,迫使各州彻底改变能源组合,不再使用燃煤发电。"
  • Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. only glancingly alluded to the harms caused by climate change.
  • 代表多数派的首席大法官小约翰·罗伯茨在判决书中对气候变化造成的危害只是一笔带过。
  • Justice Elena Kagan began her dissent with a long passage detailing the devastation the planet faces, including hurricanes, floods, famines, coastal erosion, mass migration and political crises.
  • 而大法官埃琳娜·卡根在提出异议时,则长篇大段地详细描述了地球面临的破坏,包括飓风、洪水、饥荒、海岸侵蚀、大规模移民和政治危机。


The Supreme Court on Thursday limited the E.P.A.'s ability to regulate carbon emissions from power plants, making it much tougher for President Biden to achieve his goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by the end of the decade.


The vote was 6 to 3, with the court's three liberal justices in dissent, saying that the majority had stripped the E.P.A. of "the power to respond to the most pressing environmental challenge of our time."


In ruling against the E.P.A., the Supreme Court again waded into a politically divisive issue on the final day of a blockbuster term, adding to the conservative super majority's decisions to eliminate the constitutional right to abortion, vastly expand gun rights and further erode the wall separating church and state.


The implications of the ruling could extend well beyond environmental policy. It also signals that the court's newly expanded conservative majority is deeply skeptical of the power of administrative agencies to address major issues facing the nation and the planet.


The decision set off criticism from the left, but voices from the coal industry and conservative states praised the ruling.


Mr. Biden, left with far fewer tools to fight climate change, said the ruling was "another devastating decision that aims to take our country backwards."


He vowed to take action even as the court limited his ability to act, adding: "We cannot and will not ignore the danger to public health and existential threat the climate crisis poses."


Patrick Morrisey, the attorney general of West Virginia and one of the leaders of the challenge to the E.P.A.'s authority, welcomed the decision.


"E.P.A. can no longer sidestep Congress to exercise broad regulatory power that would radically transform the nation's energy grid and force states to fundamentally shift their energy portfolios away from coal-fired generation," he said.


Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. only glancingly alluded to the harms caused by climate change.


Justice Elena Kagan began her dissent with a long passage detailing the devastation the planet faces, including hurricanes, floods, famines, coastal erosion, mass migration and political crises.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
constitutional [.kɔnsti'tju:ʃənl]


adj. 宪法的,合乎宪法的,体质的,组成的 n. 散步

respond [ris'pɔnd]


v. 回答,答复,反应,反响,响应

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

stripped [stript]


adj. 剥去的 v. 剥夺(strip的过去分词形式)

transform [træns'fɔ:m]


vt. 转换,变形
vi. 改变

achieve [ə'tʃi:v]


v. 完成,达到,实现

divisive [di'vaisiv]


adj. 区分的,分裂的,不和的

decade ['dekeid]


n. 十年

erosion [i'rəuʒən]


n. 腐蚀,侵蚀

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战





