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Welcome back to Geek Time advance,this is Brad. Hello, lulu.

Hi Brad.

So we're gonna continue on talking a little bit more about web3.0, it's a kind of a difficult subject, but we'll try to make it as easy as possible. One thing you can kind of consider with decentralization is we’re cutting out intermediaries, we’re preventing people from being in the middle as much as possible.

So basically with web3.0, each individual like us, we will have more of a say as to how our data is used and what kind of data we can access.

Right. So rather than having someone with a centralized website, they can have a website, they can put out information, but it will be much harder for them to control your data or get your information, because they are not gonna have a server that holds all of that.

And the way you can kind of look at it is we have the cost of the internet and part of the cost of the internet is that we have ISPs, the internet service providers, they charge you to use the internet.

But then there is the cost for all of these servers, and we need place to store all the information, but we may not necessarily have to with web3.0 because everyone can donate their processing power as a way to process the internet, so rather than having single servers that are like costing money, people can donate or rather than... I say donate rather than pay money to use the internet. You can give your processing power as part of the payment.

So your personal computer becomes a member of the so called block chain processing.

Right, just like you could do Bitcoin mining or something like that, rather than do Bitcoin mining, you're doing web3.0 processing.

I see, so it's kind of like you said donating your… not donating, but it's like a trade off, so what you give is your computers processing power allow your computer to become a member of the block chain processing and in return you get sort of like data usage for example, the access to data and internet use.

All right, we talked about in the previous episode that web3.0 is still in the future, is not here yet, but based on my little research, they are already... in different fields there are already programs or things that are using that concept and they are already being counted as the decentralized web3.0 content, like browsers or social media.

Yeah, there are a small number of web 3.0 websites or applications out there to access the web3.0, you need to have a browser such as the Brave browser. I use the Brave browser for web 2.0 but it can also access web3.0 content, and we see 3.0 content that's there now, we do have social media websites, steam it, there is streaming platforms for video and music or storage on the cloud, storage on web3.0, so there's already some web3.0 stuff.

Yeah, I have to ask you to break it down for us because it sounds like all of these things you're talking about either browser, 比如说浏览器 or social network or streaming services, they sound exactly the same as what we're using now, right? We use social media, social network, we use browser, we use streaming services, how is it different, take what you said as an example, Brave browser, I think I'm assuming Brave is the name of the browser.

Yes, just like Chrome, right. You have Chrome or you have Internet Explorer, Fire Fox. There's lots of different browsers, whichever one you like to use. I don't know the Mac versions, but…

Ok, so how is it different?

In some ways, it's no different from what people use nowadays, like I said, I use Brave for web2.0 sites, but the main difference between Brave browser and other browsers is Brave browser prevents things like cookies or prevents advertisements when I go on YouTube or something like that. There is no advertisements, I just watch videos.

Occasionally I will get an advertisement, that's simply because I've allowed Brave browser to give me advertisements, and part of giving me that advertisement brave browser pays me some money in the form of a crypto currency like token.

Ok, let me sort this out, so normally when we're using either Google or Baidu whatever we're forced to watch ads and we don't get money from these ads.


But with decentralized like web3.0 browser like what you were talking about brave browser, you can simply turn all the efforts off when you are going on different websites.

And then if you allow certain ads to show like on YouTube, if you allow certain ads to show, then you actually make money from allowing them to push the ads to you, then they pay you in crypto currency.

Yeah. It's called B-A-T or BAT, basic attention token.

我查了叫基本注意力币或者叫注意力币, basically they got your attention, so they have to pay you.

Yeah. Now you wouldn't get an advertisement typically like you would on YouTube. It's just kind of a small pop up on the bottom of your screen.

And when every time it pops up, you just click on, okay, or if you wanna see what the advertisement is showing you, you can click on the go on go button and it will bring you to the website of the advertisement, so you have a choice, you can just silence it basically and you get a small amount of money.

One of the things that they do with it is you can either cash in those tokens or you can donate them to YouTubers or other bloggers who accept BAT tokens. It's a way where you can either make money or if you consume content on YouTube and you don't look at advertisements, you can pay the people on YouTube in this manner.

I'm gonna ask you a very blunt question, if you can make money from just watching the ads, then why wouldn't people just sit there and watch ads all day and then just get token.

You don't choose when the ads pop up, they are very limited, there's like maybe one or two ads an hour, I think the maximum you can set it to as about five or six ads an hour, and it's a small amount of money. It's like…

You couldn't even make $100 in a month probably.

I see.

It's gonna be like maybe $10 a month, so you donate it to someone if they get a lot of donations they'll be happy, but you're not gonna make a living doing it.

I see. I see. But you have a choice, that's the main thing. What are some of the other benefits of web3.0?

One of the greatest things is you can incorporate AI and machine learning. This is something that can basically help you find the relevant data, and so when you are searching for something, it can look through the syntax of what you're saying and find a better match for what you're looking for. It can also kind of look at what you're saying like sometimes words might have two meanings. And when you use the word, they can know you're using it in this meaning, not this meaning. It will find the websites that are connected to what you're looking for and not other meanings of that word.

Oh, so like smarter searches basically based on syntax, I see. And maybe just eliminate some of the really the garbage ads and like we said and also scam sites.

Definitely, like when you're going online, people pay Google to have their advert pop up as like the second or search term. So when you're going what's this and you click on it and then you realize it's a fake website or it's an advert or something like that. With Brave browser, you're not gonna get that kind of thing because it’s going to eliminate that's the point at least.

And I've also heard that web3.0 tends to be more transparent and immutable like data won't be easily changed and adulterate, like altered.

When you're part of the block chain, you can watch what happens to data information that's going around. One of the ways you can basically kind of think about it now is when you give money to a company, you can't see where that money is going. Just you see the fact that they got your money, but when you move it to a web3.0 block chain, they have a wallet, and when you send money to that wallet, you can then see where that money is going from their wallet, you know who they're giving money to.

Now it may not be easily found out like who has which wallet but when you send money to a wallet you know that wallet’s address. And so they could off you skate things, they could prevent you from seeing where it's going by moving it to wallets that are hidden or changing wallets every now and then.

But it becomes more difficult to do that, and you know if someone changed their wallet.

I mean so far it seems like it has a lot of benefits but I can't help but wonder, forgive me for being a party pooper, decentralized network, it sounds all great because you know each individual has more of a say in what we have, what we have access to. But human society is still gonna be human society, people are still gonna exploit that the loopholes of it, then would this make the internet a more dangerous place because without centralized control of some form, then there will be no regulations, no regulatory bodies, would like more things like dark webs, would they pop up even more?

I don't think the dark wood web would pop up more. Basically what it's going to be is that people are going to disagree about the way that the protocols happen or the way that thing is connect, and so you might get a few different versions of the web, like say like 1 group says we want our web to have these protocols and other group says we want our web to have these protocols. You might get splintered versions of the web or something like that.

But basically as the web is, now there's a few people that have all the keys and that make decisions on how the protocols are going to work. Look at IEEE, the institute of electrical and electronics engineers, they wrote the protocols for part of the web, and so everyone has to follow those, but if it's not centralized, then who is going to decide what those protocols are, right, everyone has to agree.

Everyone has to agree which makes it so much more difficult. And also I don't think many companies would like it if they can't really use their capital, use their resources to kind of manipulate data or to make sure that they monetize from it to maximize their monetization.

Companies like Facebook they can't sell their product very easily because people don't want to pay to use something like Facebook, they're like if I have to pay to use Facebook, no, I'm not gonna use it.

And so they have to find another way to make money, they make money by selling your data. People are okay with that to some extent because they're like then if I don't have to pay for it and I get something for free, however they make their money is okay, they sell us some advertisements, they sell a little bit of my data or whatnot.

People have just decided that's what they're going to do, but like if we have those companies, they're gonna have to find another way to make money. And if some of those websites will probably die out or they may just remain as web2.0 and then people may just decide whether or not they want to access those sites anymore.

So it's a little bit difficult to know what will happen, whether or not web2.0 will eventually die out and move to web3.0 or if web3.0 won't start.

One issue with decentralization or web3.0 is that you have to have people who take care of it, and a lot of times people just want someone to take care of something for them and they're willing to pay.

And we just reap the benefit.

People are willing to pay to have people take care of their garden, people are willing to pay to have someone else to come in and take care of things. And that's probably why web2.0 has lasted so long, it's just because people don't want to have to deal with that. They go to work every day and they don't wanna come home and have to deal with maintaining the web at home, they don't really have to do that so much.

Yeah, the whole concept of bringing someone to take care of things for you, it kind of defeats the whole purpose of decentralized network.

Right, it brings it to someone in the centralized area who is controlling everything again.

Yeah. But that's why it's a highly controversial topic and web3.0 is still not here yet, although I've already seen people talking about web4.0 but that's a whole lot of issue.

All right, on that note, we're gonna wrap up here. We have covered quite a lot and I know it's very difficult. I have to admit I only understand little bits of it, so if you are an expert in these kind of issues, or if you're very interested and have insights to share, leave us a comment in the comment section. And thank you Brad for coming to the show.

No problem, it was a pleasure.

We'll see you next time

See you next time, everyone.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reap [ri:p]


vt. 收割,收获,获得
vi. 收割

concept ['kɔnsept]


n. 概念,观念

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

controversial [.kɔntrə'və:ʃəl]


adj. 引起争论的,有争议的

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

exploit [iks'plɔit]


vt. 剥削,利用,开拓,开采,开发
n. 功

maximize ['mæksimaiz]


v. 取 ... 最大值,最佳化,对 ... 极为重视

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧





