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咱中国人有“葛优躺”,人老外最近也流行起了"Bed Rotting"。要我说吧,古今中外对于“卷不过,就躺下”的想法那是出奇地一致。



所以,咱们今天的 Buzzword 就是把就来聊聊这Bed Rotting如何?

This is a really, really new expression.

Bed就是床, Rotting本意是腐烂, 所以如果直译就是在床上烂掉, it sounds pretty disgusting. 我愿意把它翻译成 “平躺摆烂”或者 “躺平摆烂”.

虽然听起来有点恶心, 但是 bed rotting 它形容的这种状态, 相信大家都不陌生, 也就是很长的时间躺在床上, 无所事事, 只会干一些比如说吃零食、看电视、刷手机之类的passive activities.

So this trend is popular with Gen Z who may feel burnt out from work, school, family demands, or social engagements.

On TikTok, bed rotting has more than 130 million views. So you get an idea of its popularity.

Bed rotting

It's a new trend sweeping TikTok, involves staying in bed for extended periods of time—not to sleep, but to do passive activities like eating snacks, watching TV, and scrolling through devices.


The Benefits of 'Bed Rotting'

如果适度的去躺平摆烂, 其实是对我们有好处的.

Now people are talking about the benefits of bed rotting, it does have its perks in small doses.

Because it can calm the body and help ease stress and exhaustion, especially for people working long hours in a physically or mentally demanding role.

对于平时工作生活压力很大的人, 偶尔的bed rotting躺平摆烂其实是会让你的身体能够从压力和精疲力竭中修复过来.

These individuals might use this practice to give themselves an opportunity to recharge their batteries.

Because lodging in bed doing nothing now has recognition as a way to relax. It may also help people feel like they have permission to lay around without feeling guilty.

Some medical experts say our society tends to put too much emphasis on being busy or productive all the time.

中文里我们也说给自己充电, 英文里会说recharge your batteries. 这个意思主要是指的工作生活已经让你精疲力竭, 你需要一个时间修复充电.

我们的社会由于节奏越来越快, 所以我们过度的去关注 “一定要很忙, 你要工作, 你要自律, 你要有产出”.

And this can lead to feeling burnt out and not allow us time to rest or recharge without being labeled as being lazy.

而通常的思维里, 在床上躺平摆烂的这种行为会被人认为是单纯的懒; 而现在这种bed rotting trend实际上就是在为这种行为正名, 让你可以光明正大的rot in bed.


Length and Activities Matter

When It Comes To 'Bed Rotting'

Now while bed rotting can benefit some people in the short term, it can become worrying if it lasts for more than 1 or 2 days.

If bed rotting becomes a habitable behavior, it could potentially be a sign of depression or other mental health issues.

当然了我们想想也知道bed rotting肯定不是一个长期解决方案, 长期的躺平摆烂肯定是会出现问题的.

如果它变成一个habitual behavior, 习惯性的行为,它可能是抑郁的一个表现.

It's important to be mindful of this and not let bed rotting become a pattern of behavior.

This is because spending too long in bed limits the time that could be spent meaningfully connecting with friends or loved ones.

And if you go too long without accomplishing tasks or attending school or work, that could ultimately make you feel even more stressed.

这样的躺平摆烂, 它的问题是它会让你没有社交, 没有办法真正的跟朋友和自己所爱之人建立比较亲密的链接, 同时由于躺平摆烂没有任何的成就感, 反而会让一些人感觉更加的有压力.

In addition to the length of a bed rotting session, what you do in bed also impacts your well being.

If you spend the bulk of your bedtime on your devices, this can be a big problem because more and more research is pointing to the negative impacts of social media and phone usage and screen time on our mental health.

特别是如果你的躺平摆烂, 就是不停在床上刷手机, 刷各种社交媒体, 这些社交媒体上的分享可能会让你更加的沮丧, 对你的心理健康有非常负面的影响.


How 'Bed Rotting' Impacts Sleep?

Furthermore, it also impacts our sleep in a negative way.

It's usually best for people to use their bed and bedroom as a place for sleep and intimacy only;

if people can train their brains to associate their bed solely with sleep, they won't have as much trouble falling asleep at night.

But if you bed rot and do other things like playing on your phone or eating snacks in bed, your brain may associate your bed with things other than sleep.

And this can lead to sleep disruption.

另外一个长期躺平摆烂的问题, 就是它会影响你的睡眠.

你的大脑会认为你的床不光可以跟睡眠联系, 还可以跟其他各种比如说玩手机吃零食等等的行为相联系, 从而影响你的睡眠质量, 甚至导致睡眠障碍.


The Link Between

Depression and ‘Bed Rotting’

In addition, people who have clinical depression or experience anxiety may find bed rotting appealing.

That's because people with these conditions tend to report low energy and mood.

However, bed rotting may not improve their symptoms.

一些本来就有抑郁焦虑症状的人, 可能会觉得这种躺平摆烂, 给他们带来一种暂时的轻松感.

但实际上在长远来讲, 这并不利于他们的心理健康, 并且可能会加重他们的抑郁焦虑症状.

That's because when we engage in bed rotting, we're more likely to stay in the same mind state that we were in before bed rotting.

In fact, engaging in fewer activities may only fuel a cycle of depression or anxiety, according to psychiatrists.


How To ‘Bed Rot’ in a Safe Way

If you're interested in bed rotting as a way to recharge your batteries, it's important to make it as healthy and safe as possible.

So you do not slip into depression.

Now this means spending your rest time doing feel good activities, such as reading, journaling, meditating rather than on other things that can ultimately lead to anxiety or dissatisfaction.

I know it's easier said than done.

Now setting time limits can also prevent you from staying in bed for too long.

Some people might not even be mindful of just how many hours they are losing in a day to bed rotting when they get lost in their screens.

当你沉浸在自己面前小小的屏幕上的时候, 你可能会完全意识不到自己已经躺平摆烂多久了.

It's important to note that while bed rotting may give temporary relief, it should not be a regular pattern of use or daily habit.

And it should not be the first line of treatment to deal with fatigue, tiredness, or depression.

And now let's move on to the sample sentence.


Example 1:

-Bed rotting might lead to social isolation and depression.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
productive [prə'dʌktiv]


adj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的

anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]


n. 焦虑,担心,渴望

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

permission [pə'miʃən]


n. 同意,许可,允许

demanding [di'mændiŋ]


adj. 要求多的,吃力的

engaging [in'geidʒiŋ]


adj. 动人的,迷人的,有魅力的

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地

engage [in'geidʒ]


v. 答应,预定,使忙碌,雇佣,订婚





