A recent study published in the journal Cell Metabolism suggests eating fatty or sugary snacks alters our brain activity and creates lasting preferences for these less-healthy items.
For the study, researchers at Yale University and the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Germany
gave one group of participants a high-fat, high-sugar yogurt twice daily for eight weeks, while another got a low-fat, low-sugar version.
Aside from that, both groups continued their normal eating habits.
At the end, the groups rated puddings with varying fat concentrations and apple juices with a range of sugar levels, and also underwent MRI scans.
The scans showed the treat increased brain activity in the group that had eaten the high-fat, high-sugar yogurt, but not in the other.
The researchers concluded fatty, sugary snacks activate the brain's dopamine system, which gives people a feeling of motivation or reward.
"Let's say a new bakery opens up next to your work and you start stopping in and having a scone every morning. That alone can rewire your basic fundamental dopamine learning circuits,"
said Dana Small, the study's senior author and director of Yale University School of Medicine's Modern Diet and Physiology Research Center.
Small said diet has such a strong effect on brain activity that dopamine signals can fire even when someone anticipates eating fatty or sugary food, like when they pass a bakery or smell a pastry.
"It just tells us how sensitive we are to the food environment, and how the food environment can actually change our behavior."