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  • The world this week--Politics
  • 本周国际要闻--政治
  • More than 230 people have been killed and over 12,000 have been arrested, according to tallies by human-rights groups, as protests rage on in Iran.
  • 据人权组织的统计,随着伊朗抗议活动的爆发,已有230多人被杀害,12000多人被逮捕。
  • The movement against the ayatollahs’ regime has largely been led by women.
  • 反对阿亚图拉(穆斯林宗教领袖)政权的运动主要是由妇女领导的。
  • In response to the violence, America has lengthened the list of individuals and groups subject to sanctions.
  • 美国对该暴力事件作出回应,加长了受制裁的个人和团体的名单。
  • The ruling clerics seem uncertain whether to give ground or crack down more fiercely.
  • 执政的神职人员似乎不确定是做出让步还是实施更严厉地镇压。
  • Israeli defence forces killed five Palestinians in a raid into the West Bank city of Nablus, where an Israeli soldier had been killed earlier this month.
  • 以色列国防军在对约旦河西岸城市纳布卢斯的突袭中杀害了5名巴勒斯坦人,而本月早些时候,纳布卢斯有一名以色列士兵被杀害。
  • A sixth Palestinian was killed in a later incident.
  • 第六名巴勒斯坦人在后来的事件中丧生。
  • Opinion polls preceding the Israeli election scheduled for November 1st show no clear favourite.
  • 以色列大选(定于11月1日举行)之前的民意调查显示,没有明确的热门人选。
  • The two leading contenders are blocs led by Yair Lapid, the incumbent prime minister, and Binyamin Netanyahu, a long-serving former prime minister.
  • 两名领先的竞争者属于现任总理亚伊尔·拉皮德和长期任职的前总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡领导的阵营。
  • Pundits reckon that Mr Netanyahu’s alliance has a slight edge.
  • 专家们认为内塔尼亚胡的联盟略微占优势。
  • In the lead-up to the football World Cup, which kicks off on November 20th in Qatar, the country faces mounting complaints about labour abuses and the persecution of gay people.
  • 世界杯足球赛将于11月20日在卡塔尔拉开帷幕,在世界杯的准备阶段,该国面临着越来越多关于虐待劳工和迫害同性恋者的控诉。
  • Watchdogs allege the arbitrary arrests of gay activists.
  • 监督机构指控同性恋活动人士遭任意逮捕。
  • Some football stars have said they will be wearing armbands to show support for victims.
  • 一些足球明星表示,为了表示对受害者的支持,他们将佩戴袖章。
  • Peace talks between the Ethiopian government and the rulers of Tigray, a rebellious northern province, have started after nearly two years of civil war.
  • 在经历了近两年的内战后,埃塞俄比亚政府和北部叛乱省份提格雷的统治者开始了和平谈判。
  • Millions of civilians in Tigray are under blockade by the government and have not received aid since fighting resumed in August.
  • 提格雷数以百万计的平民被政府封锁,自8月重启战斗以来这些平民就没有得到援助。
  • At least 50 people were killed and 300 injured when police in Chad intervened in protests demanding civilian rule.
  • 乍得(非洲国家)警方对要求文官统治的抗议活动进行干预,造成至少50人死亡,300人受伤。
  • The protests erupted after the junta that seized power in April 2021 broke its promise to hand power to a civilian administration this month.
  • 抗议活动是在2021年4月夺取政权的军政府违背本月将权力移交给文官政府的承诺后爆发的。
  • Rishi Sunak became Britain’s third prime minister in two months, taking over from Liz Truss.
  • 里希·苏纳克接替利兹·特拉斯,成为两个月内英国的第三任首相。
  • Ms Truss, who resigned after a disastrous mini-budget spooked financial markets, was the shortest-serving prime minister in history.
  • 特拉斯是历史上任期最短的首相,她的一份灾难性的迷你预算引起了金融市场恐慌,此后便辞职了。
  • Mr Sunak was the only candidate for leadership of the ruling Conservative Party to garner enough nominations from Tory MPs enter the race, after efforts by Boris Johnson to mount a comeback stalled.
  • 在鲍里斯·约翰逊试图东山再起的努力陷入停滞之后,苏纳克是唯一一位从保守党议员那里获得足够提名参加竞选的执政党领袖候选人。
  • In an attempt to bring the Tories together, Mr Sunak appointed a cabinet from different wings of the party.
  • 为了将保守党团结在一起,苏纳克从该党的不同派别中任命了一个内阁。
  • Jeremy Hunt was reappointed chancellor; James Cleverly, a backer of Mr Johnson, remained foreign secretary.
  • 杰里米·亨特再次被任命为财政大臣; 约翰逊的支持者詹姆斯·克莱弗利仍担任外交大臣。
  • The reappointment of Suella Braverman as home secretary stoked controversy; she had been forced to resign from the same position days earlier after sending an official document from her personal email.
  • 再次任命苏拉·布雷弗曼为内政大臣引发了争议; 几天前,她用个人邮箱发送了一份官方文件后,被迫辞去了内政大臣一职。
  • Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the nationalist Brothers of Italy party, was sworn in as prime minister of Italy.
  • 意大利民族主义政党意大利兄弟党领袖乔治·梅洛尼宣誓就任意大利总理。
  • She has promised strong support for Ukraine.
  • 她承诺对乌克兰提供强有力的支持。
  • Some observers fear a more confrontational relationship with Brussels, though she will want to maintain access to Italy’s 200bn euros (201bn dollars) share of the EU’s covid recovery fund, which comes with strings attached.
  • 一些观察人士担心该国会与布鲁塞尔的关系变得越来越敌对,尽管她希望继续获得欧盟新冠疫情恢复基金中意大利2000亿欧元(2010亿美元)的份额,但这是有附加条件的。


The world this week--Politics


More than 230 people have been killed and over 12,000 have been arrested, according to tallies by human-rights groups, as protests rage on in Iran.


The movement against the ayatollahsregime has largely been led by women.


In response to the violence, America has lengthened the list of individuals and groups subject to sanctions.


The ruling clerics seem uncertain whether to give ground or crack down more fiercely.


Israeli defence forces killed five Palestinians in a raid into the West Bank city of Nablus, where an Israeli soldier had been killed earlier this month.


A sixth Palestinian was killed in a later incident.


Opinion polls preceding the Israeli election scheduled for November 1st show no clear favourite.


The two leading contenders are blocs led by Yair Lapid, the incumbent prime minister, and Binyamin Netanyahu, a long-serving former prime minister.


Pundits reckon that Mr Netanyahus alliance has a slight edge.


In the lead-up to the football World Cup, which kicks off on November 20th in Qatar, the country faces mounting complaints about labour abuses and the persecution of gay people.


Watchdogs allege the arbitrary arrests of gay activists.


Some football stars have said they will be wearing armbands to show support for victims.


Peace talks between the Ethiopian government and the rulers of Tigray, a rebellious northern province, have started after nearly two years of civil war.


Millions of civilians in Tigray are under blockade by the government and have not received aid since fighting resumed in August.


At least 50 people were killed and 300 injured when police in Chad intervened in protests demanding civilian rule.


The protests erupted after the junta that seized power in April 2021 broke its promise to hand power to a civilian administration this month.


Rishi Sunak became Britains third prime minister in two months, taking over from Liz Truss.


Ms Truss, who resigned after a disastrous mini-budget spooked financial markets, was the shortest-serving prime minister in history.


Mr Sunak was the only candidate for leadership of the ruling Conservative Party to garner enough nominations from Tory MPs enter the race, after efforts by Boris Johnson to mount a comeback stalled.


In an attempt to bring the Tories together, Mr Sunak appointed a cabinet from different wings of the party.


Jeremy Hunt was reappointed chancellor; James Cleverly, a backer of Mr Johnson, remained foreign secretary.

杰里米·亨特再次被任命为财政大臣; 约翰逊的支持者詹姆斯·克莱弗利仍担任外交大臣。

The reappointment of Suella Braverman as home secretary stoked controversy; she had been forced to resign from the same position days earlier after sending an official document from her personal email.

再次任命苏拉·布雷弗曼为内政大臣引发了争议; 几天前,她用个人邮箱发送了一份官方文件后,被迫辞去了内政大臣一职。

Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the nationalist Brothers of Italy party, was sworn in as prime minister of Italy.


She has promised strong support for Ukraine.


Some observers fear a more confrontational relationship with Brussels, though she will want to maintain access to Italys 200bn euros (201bn dollars) share of the EUs covid recovery fund, which comes with strings attached.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
uncertain [ʌn'sə:tn]


adj. 不确定的

rage [reidʒ]


n. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行
v. 大怒

civilian [si'viljən]


adj. 平民的
n. 罗马法专家,平民

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

document ['dɔkjumənt]


n. 文件,公文,文档
vt. 记载,(用文件

crack [kræk]


v. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑

controversy ['kɔntrəvə:si]


n. (公开的)争论,争议

administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门

prime [praim]


adj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的

conservative [kən'sə:vətiv]


adj. 保守的,守旧的
n. 保守派(党),





