The Great Resignation
到底是什么改变了人们的工作心态?今天的Buzzword The Great Resignation , 就解释了这个现象以及背后可能的原因。
What is the Great Resignation?
近两年随着疫情出现的一个风潮, 叫做the Great Resignation 经常被翻译成【大辞职潮】。
其实在历史里还有一些其他的重大事件或者潮流会被叫做the Great Something. 比如说上世纪20年代末, 美国出现的the Great Depression大萧条时期, 或者是2007年金融危机之后出现的the Great Recession经济大衰退。
The Great Resignation
It also known as the Big Quit and the Great Reshuffle, is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs en masse, beginning in early 2021, primarily in the United States.
所谓的大辞职潮, 也就是大批的员工主动地辞职这样的一个风潮。
风潮是从去年年初在美国开始的, 现在这个风潮还在继续,并且还在不断的蔓延到别的国家。
用数字来说话, 去年光是4月这一个月, 美国就有创记录的超过400万人辞职, 而在去年11月份当月辞职的人数又创新高, 达到了450万。
To put it in numbers. Figures in the US showed about 4 million workers had quit in April 2021, the highest level on record.
And by November last year, that number had climbed to 4.5 million.
Word's origination
The Great Resignation大辞职潮这个概念最早是在2021年5月份, 由 Texas A&M University管理学的教授Anthony Klotz提出来的。
因为Great Resignation听起来似乎是在呼应比如说Great Recession, 之前咱们提到的经济大衰退,所以Great Resignation听起来好像就是一个比较负面的词。
And because this term seems to echo the Great Recession, so it seems to have a connotation of failure and lost opportunity.
professor Anthony Klotz
However, many experts argue that people are simply transforming their relationship with the traditional workplace, revaluing the importance of career versus quality of life.
但其实很多专家就说这个大辞职潮并不一定是负面的,而反映的是后疫情时代, 人们在重新评估职业发展和生活质量孰轻孰重。
What are the causes?
最先提出the Great Resignation这个概念的Klotz教授, 他就提出了这一风潮的四大可能的起因:
No.1-The backlog of pent-up resignations from the first uncertain year of the pandemic, when people stayed in jobs they otherwise might have left.
第一点很简单, 就是在2020年疫情大蔓延的初期, 很多本来准备辞职的人, 因为觉得整个的形势不明朗, 所以不敢辞职, 因此拖到了2021年才辞职.
No.2-Workers were burned out.
很多人都出现了很严重的职业倦怠, 特别是一些在疫情期间工作量大幅度增加的职业.
No.3- It is linked to what psychologists call Terror Management Theory 恐怖管理理论.
This is the idea that people confronted with death or serious illness tend to reflect on how much meaning and contentment exists in their own lives.
这个理论就是说当人直面死亡或者严重疾病之后, 通常会对自己生命的意义以及什么是幸福, 什么是快乐去做重新的深度思考.
No.4, The unexpected freedom that millions experienced when the pandemic forced them to work at home.
第四个就是因为疫情, 很多人必须得居家办公, 也正是这些穿着睡衣在家办公的日子, 让很多人体验到了前所未有的自由.
They simply wanna go on with this new found autonomy.
Who are doing the quitting?
这一次,引领美国大辞职潮的主力军主要是千禧一代, 也就是大概80年到96年出生的人;以及Z世代,大概是97年到2012年之间出生的人。
According to a study conducted by Adobe, the exodus is being driven by Millennials and Generation Z.
And they are more likely to be dissatisfied with their work.
可让我们惊讶的是, 根据HBR的调研数据,辞职率出现最明显增加的是30~45这个年龄段。
Harvard Business Review found that the cohort between 30 and 45 years old had the greatest increase in resignation rates.
Any regrets?
在后疫情时代, 很多的职场人都对自己的工作职业有了新的认识。
In post pandemic era, they want a renewed and revised sense of purpose in their work.
They want social and interpersonal connections with their colleagues and managers.
They wanna feel a sense of shared identity, 希望能够有更强的归属感和身份认同, they want meaningful interactions, not just transactions.
But then again, there are also articles saying that the Great Resignation may be followed by the Great Regret.
Since many of the workers who quit their original job might just be swapping jobs with other people who quit their jobs. And the grass might not necessarily be greener at their new company.
当然最近也有不少报道说大辞职潮很有可能会引发的the Great Regret大后悔潮, 尤其是很多人下了决心辞职, 结果最后在新的公司发现其实是换汤不换药.
Whether this Great Resignation will cause long term impact on economy and how companies are running, we'll just have to wait and see.
Example 1:
-There are signs that the Great Resignation is likely to continue and spread globally.
Example 2:
-Employers and researchers alike are still debating about the driving force behind the Great Resignation.