Students can improve the confidence of learning English and be not afraid of speaking English in public 请问 and 后边用be not或者是not be 有没有区别呀?
(1).can not be afraid of 不能害怕
(2).can be not afraid of 能不害怕
第一个问题是:最近有看到一个访谈节目中一位嘉宾说了一句话:“...making enough money off of me”,我的问题是off和of均作为介词,其后按语法规则来说分别都要接名词,但这里off后直接跟of其实是违背了这个语法规则(介词+介词),那是不是在口语中这样的用法是可以的,另外两者连在一起是如何连读的?
第二个问题是:can’t you 的发音是[ kæn tʃμ ] 还是 [ kæn tʃjμ ] 呢? 最近听之前pk台的节目,感觉henry老师发的是第二个音,或者是不是我听错了?(那是不是t+j变音为 tʃ后,应该不会再重复存在j这个音呢?)谢谢老师
3、老师们好,我有个发音问题请教:关于/ɛr/的发音问题。老师说过这个音在单词结尾的时候发类似/eir/的音,比如chair,bear, where。那么当它在单词前或中间的时候发音又是怎样的呢?比如area, error, parrot, vary,bearable。谢谢!
Joey: Hey. I just saw a woman breastfeeding both of her twins at the same time; it is like a freak show up here. What’s the matter?
Rachel: Nothing.
Joey: What is it? Hey!
Rachel:I’ve just been thinking about how my baby and I are gonna be all alone.
Joey: What are you talking about alone? What about Ross?
Rachel: Oh please, he’ll be with his real family, the twins and little Miss New Boobs.
Joey: Okay, how long was I watching that woman?
Rachel: I’m just saying someday Ross is gonna meet somebody and have his own life. Right?
Joey: Yeah, I guess so.
Rachel:I just never thought I would raise this baby all by myself. Pretty dumb huh?
Joey: Hey, listen to me, listen to me… you are never ever gonna be alone. Okay? I promise I won’t let that happen..
Rachel: Joey. Oh sweetie, what would I do without you? Oh, honey can you grab me my other box of tissues? They’re right on that chair under Ross’s coat.
Joey: Sure. My God.
Rachel: Joey? Oh my God. Okay.
Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握
1、How long was I watching that woman?
2、I just never thought I would raise this baby all by myself
3、They’re right on that chair.
Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读
1、Double or nothing that she has it by tomorrow!
2、You don’t think that’s a little inappropriate.
3、It’s bad enough you call your own mother that.