We were as good as our word, for it was just seven when we reached the Copper Beeches, having put up our trap at a wayside public-house.
The group of trees, with their dark leaves shining like burnished metal in the light of the setting sun,
were sufficient to mark the house even had Miss Hunter not been standing smiling on the door-step.
"Have you managed it?" asked Holmes.
A loud thudding noise came from somewhere downstairs.
"That is Mrs. Toller in the cellar," said she.
"Her husband lies snoring on the kitchen rug. Here are his keys, which are the duplicates of Mr. Rucastle's."
"You have done well indeed!" cried Holmes with enthusiasm.
"Now lead the way, and we shall soon see the end of this black business."
We passed up the stair, unlocked the door, followed on down a passage,
and found ourselves in front of the barricade which Miss Hunter had described.
Holmes cut the cord and removed the transverse bar.
Then he tried the various keys in the lock, but without success.
No sound came from within, and at the silence Holmes's face clouded over.
"I trust that we are not too late," said he.
"I think, Miss Hunter, that we had better go in without you.
Now, Watson, put your shoulder to it, and we shall see whether we cannot make our way in."