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第1260期:喜迎牛年, 当牛人做牛事!

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, this is the_ time I'll see you_ the new year.

Mark: I know, 2020 just _____. Do you have plans to _____ for the _____?

Jingjing: I'll have to _____, to _____ into my ____. I'm _____ at themoment.

Mark: Don't feel _____, Jingjing. A lot of people are _where they _____, _____ going back to their ____.

Jingjing: It's _____ that way. But it's a pity to _____.

Mark: I know. It seems employers are _ their staff fewer and fewer _____ for the _holidays.

Jingjing: That may be. But employees are _more ___ days to _____ anytime, as wellas _____.

Mark: _____,I guess: making it _____ for employers to know what each member of _____ is doing for their company___.

Jingjing: Well, I hope I've___ this year.

Mark: I _____ you have. _____ the new year, what are your _____ for this coming __?

Jingjing: I think it'll be a good time to _____ work, to put a little _____ into anything youdo, and probably get ________.

Mark: That sounds _____. The ox _____ and _____.

Jingjing: Yes. So, work done _____. It's a good year to ____ and___ everything you've started.

Mark: _____,right?

Jingjing: Yeah. Last year, I told you the _____ about how the ox came in _____, whenthere was a ____ to see which ____ would be first.

Mark: I remember. Even though the _____ the ox's ____ and ____for the _____, the ox____of the river sooner than _____ other animals.

Jingjing: Good ____! So, the _____ is, do everything well, and you'll be _____ successful. Don't let a _______ bother you. But stay _.

Mark: That's pretty _____, Jingjing.

Jingjing: I hope it _____ you. I feel like this will be a good year for the people Iknow.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, do you know anyone _ in the year of the ox?

Mark: I hada _____ friend _____, born in an ox year. She was quite ______, one of the onlyreally _students I knew.

Jingjing: Was she your student?

Mark: Nope. She had _____ already when I knew her.

Jingjing: What do you _____ of her_____?

Mark: I _____ she was _____ to get a better job, while working _____. After she'd _____, thecompany that was going to_ her took _____her about the position. She _____ and _____ all the books she'd read for the exam.

Jingjing: That sounds like _____ . Most people with ox as their _____ animal arevery _ and _____________, your friend was very ____, right?

Mark: Yeah. I wasn't _____ when she _____. And I couldn't believe it_________.

Jingjing: Hmm, _____ what you _____, I know each ox _____ or be their own boss, _____ reporting to a _____ .

Mark: Do youknow if oxen born in 2021 have ________, or what as their_____?

Jingjing: This'll be a _____ ox year. So, this year's __________________ andavoiding hierarchies.

Mark: That _____ me. I like people who get ______done and don't play_.

Jingjing: Well, how about some _? Do you know which ___ and _____ were born in oxyears?

Mark: BarackObama is _____, isn't he?

Jingjing: That's right. So were Albert Camus, Vincent Van Gogh, CharlieChaplin and Walt Disney.

Mark: Hmm,Walt Disney _____ what you said earlier about _______. That's a list of _____ people. What about ____?

Jingjing: Princess Di, Keira Knightley, and Jane Fonda—_____.

Mark: That'sa _____ also.

Jingjing: Ithink so. Well, ______for the coming new year, Mark!

new words andphrases

from dialogue 1


break tradition:

That's the beautyof.:

bottom line:

pull weight:

from dialogue 2

an ox move:

flip out:

office politics:

重点单词   查看全部解释    
flip [flip]


vt. 掷,弹,轻击
vi. 翻转

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯

bother ['bɔðə]


v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心
n. 烦扰,





