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一个唱歌超好听的小哥哥 本·普拉特

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Hello and welcome to Jimmy Kimmel Live. I am your guest host Ben Platt.

大家好 欢迎来到吉米鸡毛秀 我是你们的嘉宾主持人本·普拉特
I'm what's known as a triple threat. I sing. I act. And I post absolutely savage reviews.
我就是所谓的“三叉戟” 我会唱歌 会表演 还会发表野蛮的言论
I have also wanted Tony and Amy and a Grammy.
And I was one of times 100 most influential people, which means that I'm now above the law in perpetuity.
我是最有影响力100人之一 这说明我现在凌驾于法律之上 永久性地
So, uh, what's that? Okay, I'm being told that that is not in fact the case.
所以 呃 啥?好吧 他们说我撒谎
But it was crazy. I was on the same list with Lebron James and Kim jeong-eun.
但疯狂的一点是 我和勒布朗·詹姆斯、金正恩在同一个名单上
So between us we have, let's see, one Tony award, three NBA championships, and thousands of human rights violations.
所以我们之间的共同点是 我想一下 一次托尼奖、三次NBA冠军、无数次侵犯人权
Oh, it's really weird. I'm used to performing in front of big loving audiences in rooms filled with applause and laughter.
喔 真的很怪 我习惯了在充满掌声和笑声的房间里、在爱我的观众面前表演
And now here I am, doing a show alone in an empty house.
但是现在我在这里 在一间空荡荡的屋子里做节目
And the slight wrinkling of a masked cameraman's eyes is the only way I can tell if any of this is funny.
一个带着口罩的摄影师的眼睛微微眯起 是我唯一判断节目好不好笑的方法
Oh, I see a smattering of a wrinkle. All right.
喔 我看到了一点点皱纹 好的
Not to worry though. If anything does go wrong tonight, I have a great understudy standing by.
不用担心 如果哪里出问题了 我还有一个很棒的候补演员
How's it going, Guillermo?
你好吗 吉列尔莫
I'm doing good. You're doing a wonderful job.
我很好 你主持得很棒
Ah, Guillermo, you tease. I have always wanted to know what is your favorite show, uh, your favorite broadway show?
啊 吉列尔莫 别开玩笑了 我一直想知道你最喜欢的节目是什么 你最喜欢的百老汇节目
Aladdin. Very good. Well, Guillermo, you ain't never had a friend like me, right?
《阿拉丁》 不错 好的 吉列尔莫 你从来没有过像我这样的朋友 对吧
Oh, no. no. I'm just kidding. You probably have many dear friends. I'm very sorry if I made assumptions.
哦 不 不 我说着玩的哈 你应该有很多特别好的朋友 很抱歉我做了假设
Broadway. Sadly is closed right now, at least through the end of the year.
百老汇 遗憾的是现在已经关闭了 至少到年底都是这样
There are no shows. The tony awards have been postponed, which that's a real shame, because
没有演出 托尼奖已经被推迟了 这真的很遗憾 因为
a lot of gay high schoolers get their yearbook quotes from the Tony Awards.
Some kids quote Gandhi or Abraham Lincoln.


I personally quoted Alice Ripley's winning speech for best actress and Next to Normal: musical theater is a fine art.

And to all your parents out there are theater kids, if you're going on a road trip this summer,
and they want to blast the original cast recording of Spring Awakening repeatedly, just please let them have it. Okay.
而他们想要循环播放《春之觉醒》的原班人马录音 那就让他们播吧 好吧
I even wrote my college admissions essay about spring awakening.
So maybe it will encourage them to pursue higher education.
Also, I dropped out after seven weeks. So actually never mind.
还有 我大学上了七周就退学了 所以当我没说
I love doing film and TV, but I so painfully miss live theater.
我很爱做电影和电视剧 但我极其怀念做现场戏剧表演
You know, there's nothing like it. There is no substitute for the feeling of pouring your heart out to the point of exhaustion,
你知道 没有什么能与之相比 没有什么能够替代那种掏心掏肺的疲惫
while an 80 year old woman opens a worthers original for 12 minutes or singing a softly heartbreaking ballad
而一个80岁的老妇人则会用12分钟的时间来打开她的原创歌曲 或者唱一首令人心碎的情歌
only to be interrupted by a ringtone version of Who Let the Dogs Out as a man receives a call.
这时 一名男子接到一个电话 电话里响起了《谁把狗放出去》的铃声
Well, that said senator Romney. It was a pleasure to have you at the show.
好的 这是罗姆尼参议员说过的话 很高兴大家能观看我们的节目
Broadway will be back eventually. Theater, most especially musical theater is a vital American art form.
百老汇最终会回归 戏剧 尤其是音乐剧 是美国重要的艺术形式
And it will definitely be weird to go to a theater again at first.
But I'm actually really excited for all the new shows that are going to come out of this very challenging time.
We're going to have all kinds of new musicals like "Don't Kiss Me, Kate", or "No Company",
我们将会有各种各样的新的音乐剧 比如《凯特,别吻我》、《没有公司》
"How To Succeed In Business Without Having To Go To Your Office", and of course, Patti Lupone as "Kovita":
《如何不用坐班就能成功做生意》 当然 还有派蒂·卢波饰演的《科维塔》
Don't cry for me Argentina. Your tears are contagious droplets.
阿根廷 不要为我哭泣 你的眼泪是会传染的液滴
Oh, this is an alarming fact I just learned: do you know who might pose one of the greatest dangers during this pandemic?
Friggin me. They say that singers can be super spreaders of the virus,
那就是该死的我 他们说歌手是病毒的超级传播者
because when you sing you're breathing really deeply and in some cases you even expel saliva or mucus.
因为人在唱歌时会深呼吸 某些情况下甚至会排出唾液或粘液
And by you, I mean me. I have been known to shower audiences with both love and liquids.
我说的你是指我自己 我经常用爱和唾液来浇灌观众
These are some real tweets from real people who have seen me perform,
这是一些真实的推特 来自那些看过我表演的真实的人
sat front row at Dear Evan Hansen and I have never seen anyone spit as much as Ben Splatt did today.
Can't believe it's been a year since I saw Ben Platt's spit and boogers flying all over the DEH stage.
难以置信 我已经有一年没有看到本·普拉特在舞台上吐得满地都是了
Seeing Book of Mormon from the front row. Ben Splatt just spit on me. It was awesome. Hashtag BOM
正在前排看《摩门经》 本朝我吐口水了 很可怕 BOM标签
I'm so close to the stage that Ben Splatt's spit is basically raining on me and I'm so okay with this I'm never showering I swear.
我离舞台太近了 本·斯普拉特的口水都溅到我身上了 我对此很满意 我发誓我永远不会洗澡
So sure. I may be spreading the virus but I'm also spreading joy. And isn't that what counts?
我很肯定 我在传播病毒 但我也在传播快乐 这难道不重要吗
Sorry what? Okay. I'm being told that is not at all what counts.
你说啥?好吧 他们说那不重要
In all seriousness, the arts really need funding now more than ever before.
严肃地说 现在的艺术比以往任何时候都更需要资金
So many of my friends and colleagues in the theater community and beyond are struggling.
So if you happen to have the means, there are so many worthy organizations you can donate to, like the ACTORS FUND or BLACK THEATER UNITED.
所以 如果你有能力 那么你可以向很多有意义的组织捐款 比如“演员基金” 或者“黑人剧院联合会”
Like everyone else in this time, I've been hunkered down at home over the past few months.
But I've been keeping busy. Our second season of the politician came out on netflix, as did my own solo concert special from radio city music hall.
不过我一直很忙 我们的《政客》第二季在网飞上播出了 我在无线电城音乐厅的个人特别音乐会也在网飞上播出了
But mostly I have been watching drag race. I love you ….
但是我大部分的时间都在看“变装皇后秀” 我爱你 ……
Between episodes, however, in the depths of quarantine, I did dive deep into a new project.
不过 在隔离期间 我确实深入研究了一个新的项目
That's very very close to my heart. You guessed it. It's my second album.
是我非常非常在意的 你猜对了 就是我的第二张专辑
No piece of art has ever been more personal to my being.
对我来说 没有一件艺术品比这更私人
In fact, I only agreed to host the show if they'd agree to play the following commercial. Take a look.
其实 我只是同意主持这个节目 如果他们同意播放下面的广告 来看一下

重点单词   查看全部解释    
slight [slait]


adj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的

donate ['dəuneit]


vt. 捐赠,转移(电子)
vi. 捐款

senator ['senətə]


n. 参议员

politician [.pɔli'tiʃən]


n. 政治家,政客

substitute ['sʌbstitju:t]


n. 代替者,代用品
vt. 用 ... 代替

solo ['səuləu]


n. 独奏,独唱
adj. 单独的

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

influential [.influ'enʃəl]


adj. 有权势的,有影响的
n. 有影响力的

understudy ['ʌndə.stʌdi]


v. 充当(某角色的)候补演员 n. 候补演员

vital ['vaitl]


adj. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,致命的





