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经济学人:一周要闻 推特遭到史上最大攻击

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  • The world this week
  • 世界国际要闻
  • Business
  • 经济
  • American banks had a mixed start to the second-quarter earnings season, as loan-loss provisions dented earnings.
  • 由于贷款损失准备金降低了收益,美国银行在第二季度的收益季开局喜忧参半。
  • JPMorgan Chase reported net income of $4.7bn, around half what it made in the same period last year, but more than the $3.3bn analysts had forecast.
  • 摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)公布净利润为47亿美元,约为去年同期的一半,但高于分析师预测的33亿美元。
  • Citigroup's net income of $1.3bn also beat expectations, but was down by 73% year on year.
  • 花旗集团13亿美元的净利润也超出了预期,但同比下降了73%。
  • Goldman Sachs reported net income of $2.4bn, unchanged from the same period a year ago.
  • 高盛公布的净利润为24亿美元,与去年同期持平。
  • By contrast, Wells Fargo made a net loss of $2.4bn during the quarter.
  • 相比之下,富国银行本季度净亏损24亿美元。
  • Britain said that Huawei's equipment must be removed from the country's 5G mobile networks by 2027.
  • 英国表示,到2027年,必须从该国的5G移动网络中移除华为的设备。
  • It also banned the Chinese company from providing new telecoms kit by the end of the year.
  • 该国还禁止这家中国公司在年底前提供新的电信设备。
  • The British government admitted that the decision, a U-turn from its previously less hostile position towards Huawei, will delay the country's roll-out of 5G by up to three years.
  • 英国政府承认,这一决定是先前对华为敌意有所缓解的立场的重大转变,此举将使英国5G的推出推迟至多3年。
  • PepsiCo reported a fall in profits but still beat analysts' expectations.
  • 百事公司公布利润下降,但仍超出分析师预期。
  • The American maker of fizzy drinks and snacks made net revenues of $15.9bn in the three months to June 13th, 3.1% less than in the same period a year ago.
  • 截至6月13日的三个月里,这家美国碳酸饮料和零食制造商的净收入为159亿美元,比去年同期下降3.1%。
  • Bumper sales of snacks such as Frito-Lay crisps to people stuck at home during lockdown were offset by the damaging impact of restaurant closures on sales of its drinks.
  • 在封锁期间,菲多利薯片等休闲零食因人们居家隔离而销量暴增,但是餐馆关闭对其饮料销售的破坏性影响抵消了这一增长。
  • Delta reported a pre-tax loss of $7bn in the second quarter, the second largest in the American carrier's history.
  • 达美航空公布第二季度税前亏损70亿美元,为这家美国航空公司史上第二大亏损。
  • Travel restrictions helped to reduce operating revenue by 88% year on year.
  • 旅行限制导致营业收入同比下降了88%。
  • The airline also announced plans to scale back its flying schedule for August and to shed at least 17,000 of its 91,000 employees through early retirement.
  • 该航空公司还宣布,计划缩减8月份的飞行计划,并在提前退休的9.1万名员工中裁员至少1.7万人。
  • The carrier said it hoped to lure back flyers with promises of extra aircraft cleaning, including "disinfectant electrostatic spraying".
  • 该航空公司表示,希望通过承诺提供额外的飞机清洁服务,包括“消毒剂静电喷涂”,来吸引乘客回流。
  • The British government announced plans to spend 705m pounds ($888m) on extra border infrastructure,
  • 英国政府宣布将斥资7.05亿英镑(8.88亿美元)建设另外的边境基础设施,
  • including the construction of a 27-acre (11-hectare) lorry park in Kent for cross-border checks to take place.
  • 包括在肯特郡建设一个27英亩(11公顷)的卡车停车场,用于跨境检查。
  • Britain is preparing for the imposition of trade controls between it and the European Union after the Brexit transition ends on December 31st.
  • 英国正准备在12月31日脱欧过渡结束后对其与欧盟之间实施贸易管制。
  • Even if a UK-EU trade deal is reached, officials calculate that firms will need to fill in an extra 215m customs declarations each year at an annual cost of about 7bn pounds.
  • 官员们估计,即使英国和欧盟达成贸易协议,企业每年也需要额外填写2.15亿份海关申报,每年的费用约为70亿英镑。
  • The European Union's second-highest court dealt Apple a victory, declaring it will not have to pay a 13bn euros ($14.8bn) Irish tax bill.
  • 欧盟第二高等法院裁定苹果公司胜诉,宣布其无需支付130亿欧元(148亿美元)的爱尔兰税款。
  • The ruling overturns a decision made in 2016 by the European Commission
  • 这一裁决推翻了欧盟委员会在2016年做出的一项决定,
  • and presents its head of competition, Margrethe Vestager, with a challenge as she investigates national tax deals.
  • 并在该委员会负责竞争事务的玛格丽特·韦斯塔格(Margrethe Vestager)调查各国税收协议时,向她提出了挑战。
  • Seemingly unharmed by India's severe lockdown, Infosys, an Indian IT giant,
  • 印度IT巨头印孚瑟斯(Infosys)似乎没有受到印度严重封锁的影响,
  • reported that second-quarter profits rose to 42.3bn rupees ($558m), up by 11.5% year on year.
  • 该公司公布第二季度利润增长到423亿卢比(5.58亿美元),同比增长11.5%。
  • Shares in Moderna, an American biotech firm, soared after it reported that an early trial of its COVID-19 vaccine produced a "robust" antibody response in the 45 volunteers who took it.
  • 美国生物技术公司Moderna报道称,其新冠疫苗的早期试验在45名志愿者身上产生了“强烈的”抗体反应,该公司股价应声飙升。
  • However, a much larger trial will be needed before regulators can approve it.
  • 然而,在监管机构批准之前,还需要进行更大规模的试验。
  • In a sign that Britain is not heading towards a "V-shaped" recovery, British GDP grew month-on-month by just 1.8% in May after a drop of 20.3% in April.
  • 有迹象表明,英国并没有走向v型复苏,英国国内生产总值在4月份下降20.3%后,5月份环比仅增长1.8%。
  • Economists had expected growth of 5.5% in May.
  • 经济学家此前预计5月份的增长率为5.5%。
  • Nissan unveiled its first major new car since Carlos Ghosn was dismissed as its chairman in November 2018.
  • 自2018年11月卡洛斯·戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)被解除董事长职务以来,日产推出了第一款大型新车。
  • Shares in the Japanese carmaker jumped after it revealed the Ariya, its new all-electric sport utility vehicle, online.
  • 这家日本汽车制造商在网上发布了新款全电动SUV Ariya后,股价飙升。
  • The European Court of Justice struck down an agreement that allowed companies in the bloc to transfer EU residents' personal data to America.
  • 欧洲法院否决了一项允许欧盟公司将欧盟居民的个人数据转移到美国的协议。
  • The surprise decision is a win for privacy activists, but could be costly for tech firms.
  • 这一出人意料的决定对隐私保护活动人士来说是一个胜利,但对科技公司来说可能代价高昂。
  • The Twitter accounts of several prominent American figures, including Barack Obama, Elon Musk and Bill Gates, were hacked by bitcoin scammers.
  • 包括奥巴马、埃隆·马斯克以及比尔·盖茨在内的几位美国名人的推特账号都遭到比特币诈骗者的入侵。
  • In response Jack Dorsey, the firm's chief executive, said "We all feel terrible this happened."
  • 该公司的首席执行官杰克·多尔西回应称:“这是艰难的一天。”


The world this week

American banks had a mixed start to the second-quarter earnings season, as loan-loss provisions dented earnings. JPMorgan Chase reported net income of $4.7bn, around half what it made in the same period last year, but more than the $3.3bn analysts had forecast. Citigroups net income of $1.3bn also beat expectations, but was down by 73% year on year. Goldman Sachs reported net income of $2.4bn, unchanged from the same period a year ago. By contrast, Wells Fargo made a net loss of $2.4bn during the quarter.
由于贷款损失准备金降低了收益,美国银行在第二季度的收益季开局喜忧参半。摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)公布净利润为47亿美元,约为去年同期的一半,但高于分析师预测的33亿美元。花旗集团13亿美元的净利润也超出了预期,但同比下降了73%。高盛公布的净利润为24亿美元,与去年同期持平。相比之下,富国银行本季度净亏损24亿美元。
Britain said that Huaweis equipment must be removed from the countrys 5G mobile networks by 2027. It also banned the Chinese company from providing new telecoms kit by the end of the year. The British government admitted that the decision, a U-turn from its previously less hostile position towards Huawei, will delay the countrys roll-out of 5G by up to three years.


PepsiCo reported a fall in profits but still beat analystsexpectations. The American maker of fizzy drinks and snacks made net revenues of $15.9bn in the three months to June 13th, 3.1% less than in the same period a year ago. Bumper sales of snacks such as Frito-Lay crisps to people stuck at home during lockdown were offset by the damaging impact of restaurant closures on sales of its drinks.

Delta reported a pre-tax loss of $7bn in the second quarter, the second largest in the American carriers history. Travel restrictions helped to reduce operating revenue by 88% year on year. The airline also announced plans to scale back its flying schedule for August and to shed at least 17,000 of its 91,000 employees through early retirement. The carrier said it hoped to lure back flyers with promises of extra aircraft cleaning, includingdisinfectant electrostatic spraying”.
The British government announced plans to spend 705m pounds ($888m) on extra border infrastructure, including the construction of a 27-acre (11-hectare) lorry park in Kent for cross-border checks to take place. Britain is preparing for the imposition of trade controls between it and the European Union after the Brexit transition ends on December 31st. Even if a UK-EU trade deal is reached, officials calculate that firms will need to fill in an extra 215m customs declarations each year at an annual cost of about 7bn pounds.
The European Unions second-highest court dealt Apple a victory, declaring it will not have to pay a 13bn euros ($14.8bn) Irish tax bill. The ruling overturns a decision made in 2016 by the European Commission and presents its head of competition, Margrethe Vestager, with a challenge as she investigates national tax deals.
欧盟第二高等法院裁定苹果公司胜诉,宣布其无需支付130亿欧元(148亿美元)的爱尔兰税款。这一裁决推翻了欧盟委员会在2016年做出的一项决定,并在该委员会负责竞争事务的玛格丽特·韦斯塔格(Margrethe Vestager)调查各国税收协议时,向她提出了挑战。
Seemingly unharmed by Indias severe lockdown, Infosys, an Indian IT giant, reported that second-quarter profits rose to 42.3bn rupees ($558m), up by 11.5% year on year.
Shares in Moderna, an American biotech firm, soared after it reported that an early trial of its COVID-19 vaccine produced arobustantibody response in the 45 volunteers who took it. However, a much larger trial will be needed before regulators can approve it.
In a sign that Britain is not heading towards aV-shapedrecovery, British GDP grew month-on-month by just 1.8% in May after a drop of 20.3% in April. Economists had expected growth of 5.5% in May.
Nissan unveiled its first major new car since Carlos Ghosn was dismissed as its chairman in November 2018. Shares in the Japanese carmaker jumped after it revealed the Ariya, its new all-electric sport utility vehicle, online.
自2018年11月卡洛斯·戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)被解除董事长职务以来,日产推出了第一款大型新车。这家日本汽车制造商在网上发布了新款全电动SUV Ariya后,股价飙升。
The European Court of Justice struck down an agreement that allowed companies in the bloc to transfer eu residentspersonal data to America. The surprise decision is a win for privacy activists, but could be costly for tech firms.
The Twitter accounts of several prominent American figures, including Barack Obama, Elon Musk and Bill Gates, were hacked by bitcoin scammers. In response Jack Dorsey, the firms chief executive, saidWe all feel terrible this happened.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
offset ['ɔ:fset]


n. 抵销,支派,平版印刷,弯管,[计]偏移量

transfer [træns'fə:]


n. 迁移,移动,换车
v. 转移,调转,调任

shed [ʃed]


n. 车棚,小屋,脱落物
vt. 使 ...

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

vehicle ['vi:ikl]


n. 车辆,交通工具,手段,工具,传播媒介

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

transition [træn'ziʃən]


n. 过渡,转变

delta ['deltə]


n. (河流的)三角洲





