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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

My next guest is a comedian, best-selling author and former dope queen who launched a brand new book imprint called Tiny Reparations Books.

我的下一位嘉宾是一位喜剧演员、喜剧畅销作家、也是前任毒品皇后 她推出了一个全新的图书品牌“小小的赔偿书”
And starting next month you can listen to her new podcast "Black Frasier".
下个月开始 大家就可以收听她的新播客“Black Frasier(黑色的弗雷泽)”
Please welcome Phoebe Robinson. Hi Phoebe.
欢迎菲比·罗宾逊 嗨 菲比
Hi. Hello. Hi.
嗨 哈喽 嗨
I'm reading your book right now so I feel like i've been talking to you like every day.
我正在读你的书 所以我觉得我好像每天都在和你说话
So it's so good to talk to you. First off, I just really want to quickly ask.
很开心能和你聊天 首先 我想快速问一下
You're friends with a lot of famous people, Phoebe. And which I...yeah, a little bit.
你有很多名人朋友菲比 我……呃 一点点
I really...i just interviewed paris hilton and I really want to become friends with her.
我真的……我刚刚采访了帕丽斯·希尔顿 我真的很想和她成为朋友
How do I go about doing that? How do you take it to the next level?
那我该怎么做呢 怎么能把关系升华到下一层次呢
Yeah. So I am very loosely friends with Michelle Obama which is truly wild to me.
嗯 我和米歇尔·奥巴马也算是朋友 这对我来说很疯狂
And the keys to that are don't be thirsty and hold in every single fart when you're around them.
秘诀就是 当你在他们身边的时候 不要饥渴 要憋住每一个屁
There's so many...I have engaged my core so much around niche. It's wild.
有很多……我的核心就是做好市场定位 这很疯狂
How are you friends with her? Like what is the friendship like? How often do you guys talk?
Well, like every few months we'll check and we have each other's phone numbers.
嗯 大概几个月我们会联系一下 我们有对方的手机号
She's in my phone under like a code name. I'm always so terrified when I text her. I proofread it like I do all of the things, you know.
她在我手机里用的是代名 给她发信息的时候我其实会害怕 不过我会以平常心看她发的信息
Yeah. You just freaked out you send it to friends for their notes, the whole thing.
嗯 你吓坏了 给她发信息、留言 啥都怕
Oh, my gosh. Yeah. It's a delicate thing to have someone that's, i mean, I couldn't even imagine.
哦 天哪 嗯 有一个我无法攀越的人做朋友真的很微妙
I'd be so scared to accidentally facetime her.
I'm reading your book Everything's Trash right now.
It's so freaking good. I'm so excited for your new book in print.
太棒了 你的新书出版了 我很兴奋
That you are also releasing your own book through that you're writing right now.
you're writing a book in quarantine about quarantine.
Yeah, it's wild. It's called Six Feet Apart and so I have these essays where I talk about,
是的 有点疯狂 叫《远离你六英尺》 我在文章中谈到 你知道
you know, sort of like weight your issues like, you know, black excellence and performative allyship.
一些问题 比如 你知道 优秀的黑人和表述行为的盟友
And then I also write about quarantining with my boyfriend of three years.


And you know, it's good. But it's a lot. You know, to be in an apartment for almost five months, it's like, that's too much.

你知道 是挺好 但是时间太久了 你知道 在一间公寓里住上将近五个月 真的太久了
It's so much. I mean, it's kind of like what I am looking forward to for the next time, this all goes down.
超级久 有点儿像 我期望下次一切都能过去
I'd like to have like a partner to resenting through it. Because I'm living with my mom and dad now.
我希望能有一个伙伴来发泄我的怨气 因为我现在和爸妈住在一起
But like are you and what is your writing process like with him there? You're writing from home. Is that like hard to do?
你和男朋友在一起的时候你的写作过程是怎样的 你在家里写 写书难吗
Everyone's trying to write a book right now. You know, you're actually doing it.
现在大家都想写书 你知道 你是已经在写了
Yeah. It's great. I don't have to go out. I just sit on the couch. I'm not wearing pants.
嗯 挺好的 我不用出去 坐在沙发上就好 我现在裤子都没穿
It's not...I let them know. This is not sexual. This is professional. This is how I write and I have my snacks.
没有……我要让他们知道 这和性无关 这很正经 这就是我写作和吃零食时候的样子
And you know, tonight I want to be nice for you. So I'm wearing biker shorts.
你知道 今晚我想着要对你友好一点 所以还特意穿了条骑行短裤
No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Amazing. I mean, that outfit actually goes.
不 要的 要的 给力 神奇 我想说 这套还挺搭
You're incredible. You look great. I mean, isn't this so great...
真是难以置信 你看上去很棒 我想说 是不是很棒……
this is the first time i've been wearing makeup or any kind of like fitted thing in months and months
这是我这几个月以来第一次倒拾自己 第一次好好穿衣服
and it's so nice to get a break from that, like have you found that like it's just nice to escape all the pressures of of trying to look hot?
而且 能偷偷懒真的挺好 你有没有发现 不给自己压力 说非要打扮得性感 这样真的挺好
Oh, my god. I look like trash most days. Just throwing it out there.
哦 天哪 有段时间我感觉自己就像一堆垃圾 直接扔掉就好
You look so good right now. We got it together for this.
你现在看着挺立整 之前都是为了这个才那么拼
Yeah. I always have a zip patch on just in case, every single day, just in case.
没错 为了以防万一我都是把拉链拉上 每天都拉上 就是为了以防万一
Preemptively, put them on.
要做好预防 必须拉上
You have a new advice podcast coming out, which I'm so excited about. It's called Black Frasier.
你有了一个新的建议播客 我很兴奋 叫“黑色的弗雷泽”
Because you love Frasier.
I've never seen it. Never seen it. But I have...
我没看过 从没看过 但是我……
It's such a good name and especially you have no information about Frasier, other than what like the cover of the DVD.
这本身是个好名字 但是你却对《欢乐一家亲》一无所知 除了DVD封面
Yes, but my boyfriend loves the show. And I was like, oh, I always give advice.
是的 但是我男朋友喜欢看 然后我就说:哦 我一直提意见
So I'm like a black Frasier and he was like, I mean, you're not. But sure, go for it, go for it, babe.
所以我就像黑色的弗雷泽 然后他说:你不像 但是当然 就用这个吧 没关系 宝贝
It's a great name. Okay, a quick advice from you.
真的是很棒的名字 好的 快速问你一个建议
I was on a flight yesterday met a cute guy, three hours into the flight of talking the whole time, he reveals he has a girlfriend three hours in.
我昨天在飞机上遇到一个可爱的男人 飞机起飞后三个小时我俩一直在聊天 三小时后他说他有女朋友
What would you do in that moment?
You know what. If he was drinking a mountain dew, I would have poured it on his lap. That is rude as hell.
你知道吗 如果他喝的是激浪 那我直接倒他腿上 真的太没礼貌了
So rude.
We're in the age of corona like everything is way stressful. Don't...if you are in a relationship, don't talk to me.
我们都是压力很大的中年妇女了 如果你有女朋友 那请别跟我说话
I do not want friends right now. I don't want them.
我现在不想要单纯的朋友 不想要
Yes. Thank you. And you know what I did? Nothing. I continued the conversation until we landed and wasted more of my time. I could have used you.
棒 谢谢 你知道我怎么做的吗 我什么都没做 我继续跟他聊 直到我们下飞机 浪费了我更多的时间 我本可以用你的方法
Phoebe Robinson. Since reading your book. Your voice is in my head all the time.
菲比·罗宾逊 自从读了你的书 你的声音一直回荡在我的脑海里
You're so freaking funny. and I feel like we're best friends just from reading it like,
你太幽默了 读了你的书我感觉我们就像好朋友似的
I can't wait for your new book. I can't wait for your podcast. Thank you so much for being here tonight.
很期待你的新书 期待你的播客 谢谢今晚参加吉米鸡毛秀
Thank you for having me. You're a gem. I love you so much.
谢谢邀请我 宝儿 我太爱你了
Love you too.
Guys, we will be right back.
伙计们 咱们下期节目见

重点单词   查看全部解释    
brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

excellence ['eksələns]


n. 优秀,卓越,优点

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

imprint ['imprint,im'print]


vt. 刻上记号(加特征,印刷,盖印,压印,铭记)

thirsty ['θə:sti]


adj. 口渴的,渴望的

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

stressful ['stresfəl]


adj. 紧张的,压力重的

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

code [kəud]


n. 码,密码,法规,准则
vt. 把 ...





