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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Our guest tonight is an actress, an activist, a recording artist and a talk show host.

She's also the star of an inspiring viral video. Please welcome Keke Palmer. Hi Keke.
同时她在一段轰动一时的视频里也是个明星 我们欢迎柯克·帕尔莫 嗨 柯克
How are you? Good to see you man. And this is in new surrounding.
你好 很开心见到你 新的背景哈
It's good to see you too. I like that painting you have on the wall.
很开心见到你 我喜欢你家墙上的画
I love those logs in that bed.
Thanks, everybody loves my logs.
谢谢 大家都喜欢我的原木
You know, I think of you as a very upbeat person.
你知道 我觉得你是一个非常乐观的人
And I think every keke's got to be an upbeat person. It just goes with the name.
我想大概每个叫柯克的人都很乐观 因为听着就朗朗上口
How are you feeling upbeat?
I think I do feel upbeat. I'm a positive person by nature. But
我确实是个乐观的人 天生如此 但是
I do think my empathic side is definitely being weighed down by what's going on right now.
This video that I referenced has 25 million views.
Before we show, I want to ask had you been to a protest of any kind before?
在看视频之前 我想问一下你之前有没有参加过抗议活动
Um, yes. I mean I went to the protest in Ferguson for my brown.
呃 有的 我之前有在弗格森(美国密苏里州一城市)因为我的肤色抗议过
I've been through many different protests. But not one like a time like me.
也经历过很多不同的抗议 但是没有一个能跟这次比……在我所在的这个年代没有
Like this I think especially with all the stuff that was happening with quarantine. So kind of just like being around that many people at once was...
这次的情况……就是所有的问题都伴随着隔离一起出现了 就是 周围很多人同时……
It was a lot. It was different. It was a different energy. I think because none of us had been anywhere in a while.
参与的人很多 这次很不同 不同的能量 我想是因为我们这段时间我们都没有出门
Were you thinking about what you might say if you were confronted with in this case national guard?
你之前有没有想过 如果自己面对国民警卫队时 比如这次 会说什么
Had you thought about that before you you said what you said?
No, I didn't plan on really seeing anybody like that out there.
没有 我没想到自己会见到国民警卫队
We were just marching, walking and I was excited to be there like I said I hadn't been around much.
我们就是在游行 走 参加抗议我很兴奋 就像我刚刚说的 我很久没出门了
People in a while and so I and also ...I was really really like really wanted to be out there and teach protests for this cause.
人们很久没出门了 所以我……我真的、真的很想出门和那些抗议者一起为了这项事业
And then I saw the the national guardsmen and they were like blocking us from going further with the peaceful protest.
然后我就看到了国民警卫队 他们在阻止我们继续和平抗议
And I think in that moment I just kind of was like...I was weirded out a bit and kind of confused.
那一刻我就觉得有点奇怪 有点困惑
I think from like a genuine naive place of like being confused as to, why?
Why there's now the separation between us? When they're human like. I'm human. I know they have a job to do, but like...
为什么我们之间会有隔阂?他们是人 我也是人 我知道这是他们的工作 但是
I don't know I just felt like why can't they be with us... marching with us, especially now I felt like
我不知道 我就是觉得 为什么他们不能和我们一起 和我们一起游行 特别是现在我感觉
you know, even with what happened recently with general miley, I feel like
你知道 甚至是发生在麦利将军身上的事 我就感觉
there's such a division being created in society right now from every angle whether you're in the military, whether you're black white,
现在这个社会正在产生一种分化 来自方方面面 不管你是军人 是黑人还是白人
whatever that I just felt like we all need to come together and I think I just was really overwhelmed.
不管怎样 我只是觉得我们需要团结起来 而且 我真的不知所措
And I didn't know really what I was saying. I was just really speaking from my heart and how I was feeling. And um, you know that was that.
其实我不知道自己在说什么 我只是发自内心地说出了自己的感受 还有 嗯 你知道 就是这样
Let's take a look at what happened there.


You have people in here that need your help. This for you and y'all now stand together with the community, with society to stop, to stop.

这里有人需要你的帮助 你们应该和大家、和社会站在一起 不要再阻止我们 好吗
The governmental oppression period. We need you.
在政府压迫时期 我们需要你们
So they were march with us. March beside. You get your people. Y'all martch beside us, martch beside us.
所以 和我们一起游行 和我们一起 和你的人民一起 和我们一起游行吧 和我们一起游行吧
Martch beside us. The revolution be televised. Martch beside us show you are here for us.
和我们一起游行吧 这场革命正在被全世界观看 和我们一起游行吧 告诉我们你们是和我们站在一起的
We must...pledge some business.(英文不全)
作为军人 我们不能离开自己的岗位
Okay. Okay. Can you do me a favor? Can you do me a favor? Can you take a kneel? Can you take a kneel?
好吧 好吧 你能帮我一个忙吗?你能帮我一个忙吗?你能跪下吗?你能跪下吗?
Now you said you didn't feel like the knee what was enough from those guys.
你说过 你觉得他们下跪还不够
Yeah. Because I felt like we had opportunity in that moment to...
是的 因为我觉得我们在那种时刻有机会……
You know, we have the current administration making a point to make a statement about division.
你知道 我们现在的政府想要分裂这个国家
I feel like let's just come together. Let's be beyond that. Let's be beyond what's happening.
我就觉得 我们应该团结起来 我们要变得比政府更强大 能够战胜现在发生的一切
Let' know, it was a risk. I understand he has a job to do. But I think in my mind...I was just thinking at this moment. It's like,
我们……你知道 这是在冒险 我很理解这是他的工作 但是我所想的是 我此刻所想的是 就是……
you know, what if your job is telling you to do something you don't believe in. Like...
你知道 如果你的工作让你去做一些你自己都不能相信的事情 比如
I know you want to be out here with me. I know you want to walk. I know we want to walk side by side.
我知道你们想和我们一起 我知道你们也想游行 我知道我们想一起肩并肩游行
So let's just do it. You know.
那我们就要去做 你知道
I think that's a dilemma that a lot of members of the military find themselves in for sure.
But I heard that you heard from Joe Biden after that. He called you.
不过 我听说之后乔·拜登联系你了 他给你打电话了
Yes, he did. He did. He wanted to talk to me a little bit after that I suppose.
对 是的 他打给我了 我想这件事发生之后他想和我聊聊
And so we had a conversation. I didn't get to ask him everything I wanted to ask him.
所以我们就有了一段对话 我并没有问他所有我自己想问的
But uh it was good to talk. You know. And just to kind of hear what he's talking about, what he's saying. You know right now.
但是 呃 能谈话挺好的 你知道 就是听听他想说什么 你知道 针对现在的情况
Mm-hmm. And did you feel like he's on the right track?
嗯哼 那你觉得他走对路了吗?
I had such a lotI question right. Because I mean...
我有太多的问题了 因为我的意思是……
I guess he was cool. But I can't say I was this after the combo I felt totally real or excited per se.
我想他很酷 但是我不能说游行之后我感觉自己很真实、很兴奋什么的
But it was good to talk. You know, and just to hear firsthand.
但就是……就是能谈话挺好的 你知道 能听听“一把手(高层)”怎么想的
Did you tell Joe when you had him on the phone that you have a new single out called Thick?
你跟乔通话的时候 你有没有跟他说说你的新单曲《厚》?
No, I didn't share that with Joe. My new single Thick. I didn't share that with Joe. You know, I just proud of it....
不 我没有分享给乔 我的新单曲《厚》 我没有分享给乔 你知道 我为它自豪 ……
I like the idea behind Thick. Tell everybody what the song is about?
我喜欢《厚》背后的故事 跟大家说说这首歌讲的什么吧
Yeah. Yeah. So i've been having so much fun with my music lately.
嗯 嗯 所以最近我很享受音乐
It's especially been like a area just spontaneity and just being able to have fun and not overthink too much. So
特别像一个自发性的领域 让你能够享受乐趣 不用去想太多其它的
I got my new song Thick. And it's just about me...and quarantine man the entire time.
所以我写了这首歌 讲的就是隔离期间
I've just been eating. I've been getting really Thick. You know.
我一直就是吃 然后越来越胖 你知道
And that's really just it. You know, i'm in a house your house...
就是这样 你知道 我在屋里一直吃 你也在屋里一直吃……
I should see the refrigerators in the house is the problem. If I could move the refrigerator to work I would be okay.
我应该知道问题出在家里的冰箱上 如果把冰箱挪到工作的地方 我就没事了
Hey, every night I will be making a donation and tonight you've chosen the charity Black Visions Collectivee. Tell us a little bit about that.
嘿 每晚我都会做一次捐款 今晚你选择了慈善机构“Black Visions Collective” 跟我们讲讲这个慈善机构吧
Um, well, I like the Black Visions Collectivee I mean obviously because they're talking about the future of black people.
呃 好的 我喜欢Black Visions Collective 很明显 因为他们关注的是黑人的未来
And they are also what I love about them I think specifically as they include the lgbtq community within that which I think sometimes
他们还……我喜欢他们还有特别的一点 就是他们支持同性恋者 我觉得有的时候
and when we talk about black issues. Sometimes they can be overshadowed.
我们太过于关注黑人问题 就容易把同性恋问题抛之脑后
And so that's what I think mostly I was excited about what the Black Visions Collectivee is. It's all black lives matters.
这就是“Black Visions Collective”最让我兴奋的地方 他们认为所有黑人的生命都是重要的
The website is BLACKVISIONS MN.ORG. If you'd like to go to it and join us with a donation.
网址是BLACKVISIONS MN.ORG 如果你们想加入捐款的话
Keke Palmer, thank you very much, Keke. It's great to see you.
柯克·帕尔莫 非常感谢 很开心能和你进行这次谈话
Thank you. It's good seeing you too, man. I hope we get to see each other soon again in person.
谢谢 我也是 希望我们很快能再见面

重点单词   查看全部解释    
opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

naive [nɑ'i:v]


adj. 天真的,幼稚的

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

pledge [pledʒ]


n. 保证,誓言,抵押,抵押品
vt. 保证,

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

protest [prə'test]


n. 抗议,反对,声明
v. 抗议,反对,申明

charity ['tʃæriti]


n. 慈善,慈善机关(团体), 仁慈,宽厚

administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的





