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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You know Tammy can tell, my wife can tell if I have exercise for more than 48 hours.
  • 塔米能够看出来 我妻子能够看出来我48小时内有没有锻炼
  • You know when I come home, she would say, "when did you last exercise?" Why? Because she feels.
  • 我回到家时 她会说"你最近一次锻炼是什么时候" 为什么 因为她有感觉
  • she has the sense of you know, a little bit rough around the edges, a little bit more tense.
  • 她能察觉到 是不是有点小小的变化 或者稍微有点压力
  • Again, as I mentioned in previous classes, I have inclination for anxiety.
  • 正如我在之前的课上讲过的 我有焦虑的倾向
  • Exercise is my drug. It's my wonder drug. At the very least, every other day. At the very least.
  • 锻炼就是我的药 我的灵药 至少要保证每隔一天锻炼一次 每隔一天
  • It's been used very successfully for numerous clinical disorders. Even schizophrenia.
  • 这对无数临床的病症都非常有效 包括精神分裂症
  • In conjunction with, not itself, in conjunction with therapy and various drugs.
  • 它并不是自己起作用 而是和治疗以及药物协同起作用
  • But it enhances the likelihood of a success if you exercise as well.
  • 但它增加了成功的可能性 如果你去锻炼的话
  • Also ADD and ADHD-not always enough, but very often enough.
  • 还有注意力缺陷多动症 不一定足以治愈 但通常十分有效
  • People who exercise and exercise regularly-much more likely to get over ADD and ADHD.
  • 那些坚持常规锻炼的人 更容易克服注意力缺陷多动症
  • Why? Because there are numerous effects on our brain, numerous effects on our brain.
  • 为什么呢 因为这对我们的大脑有无数的影响 对大脑有无数的影响
  • For example, the exact same chemicals that are released when we form new neural pathways-
  • 比方说我们释放的那个化学物质 当我们形成新的神经通路时
  • remember neurogenesis or neuroplasticity-the exact chemicals that
  • 还记得神经形成或者神经可塑性吗 正是这个形成新的
  • we need to form new neural pathways are created when we exercise.
  • 神经通路时会释放的化学物质 就能在我们锻炼时产生
  • In other words, after we go for a run.
  • 换句话说 我们去跑个步之后
  • This is the time when our brain is most susceptible to creating new neural pathways.
  • 这时我们的大脑就最适合于 形成新的神经通路
  • So if you exercise in the morning, during the day, you retain much better the material you have read or you have heard.
  • 所以如果你在早上去锻炼 那么一整天 你就能更好地吸收你阅读的东西 或者你听到的东西


You know Tammy can tell, my wife can tell if I have exercise for more than 48 hours.

塔米能够看出来 我妻子能够看出来我48小时内有没有锻炼
You know when I come home, she would say, "when did you last exercise?" Why? Because she feels.
我回到家时 她会说"你最近一次锻炼是什么时候" 为什么 因为她有感觉
she has the sense of you know, a little bit rough around the edges, a little bit more tense.
她能察觉到 是不是有点小小的变化 或者稍微有点压力
Again, as I mentioned in previous classes, I have inclination for anxiety.
正如我在之前的课上讲过的 我有焦虑的倾向
Exercise is my drug. It's my wonder drug. At the very least, every other day. At the very least.
锻炼就是我的药 我的灵药 至少要保证每隔一天锻炼一次 每隔一天
It's been used very successfully for numerous clinical disorders. Even schizophrenia.
这对无数临床的病症都非常有效 包括精神分裂症
In conjunction with, not itself, in conjunction with therapy and various drugs.
它并不是自己起作用 而是和治疗以及药物协同起作用

But it enhances the likelihood of a success if you exercise as well.

但它增加了成功的可能性 如果你去锻炼的话
Also ADD and ADHD-not always enough, but very often enough.
还有注意力缺陷多动症 不一定足以治愈 但通常十分有效
People who exercise and exercise regularly-much more likely to get over ADD and ADHD.
那些坚持常规锻炼的人 更容易克服注意力缺陷多动症
Why? Because there are numerous effects on our brain, numerous effects on our brain.
为什么呢 因为这对我们的大脑有无数的影响 对大脑有无数的影响
For example, the exact same chemicals that are released when we form new neural pathways-
比方说我们释放的那个化学物质 当我们形成新的神经通路时
remember neurogenesis or neuroplasticity-the exact chemicals that
还记得神经形成或者神经可塑性吗 正是这个形成新的
we need to form new neural pathways are created when we exercise.
神经通路时会释放的化学物质 就能在我们锻炼时产生
In other words, after we go for a run.
换句话说 我们去跑个步之后
This is the time when our brain is most susceptible to creating new neural pathways.
这时我们的大脑就最适合于 形成新的神经通路
So if you exercise in the morning, during the day, you retain much better the material you have read or you have heard.
所以如果你在早上去锻炼 那么一整天 你就能更好地吸收你阅读的东西 或者你听到的东西

重点单词   查看全部解释    
likelihood ['laiklihud]


n. 可能性

anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]


n. 焦虑,担心,渴望

numerous ['nju:mərəs]


adj. 为数众多的,许多

inclination [.inkli'neiʃən]


n. 倾向,意愿,倾斜度

conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋkʃən]


n. 连词,结合,关联,(事件等的)同时发生

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

susceptible [sə'septəbl]


adj. 易受外界影响的,易受感染的

therapy ['θerəpi]


n. 疗法,治疗

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

clinical ['klinikəl]


adj. 临床的





