What it is saying though that we need to perhaps first ask whether exercise is,
他要说的是 我们首先要问的是锻炼
or lack there of is the underlying reason for the experience.
Now why should not we do away if the results are very similar between exercise and medication?
我们为什么不废除药物呢 如果锻炼和服药的效果如此类似的话
Why shouldn't we do away with medication? Here is why.
我们为什么不废除服药呢 原因在于
You see, let's say…Let me just draw this circle.
比如说 让我画一个圆
No. Let's say this is the total population of people who are depressed.

We know that Zoloft, or antidepressant medication helps about 60 percent of them.
我们知道左洛复 或者说抗抑郁症帮了他们60%的人
And we know that exercise also helps 60 percent. However, it is not the same 60 percent.
我们知道锻炼同样帮了60%的人 但不是同一个60%
There is overlap by definition, because it is more than 50 percent.
在定义上有重叠 因为多于50%
But it doesn't help the same people. So there are people who are only helped by medication;
它们帮助的不是同一群人 有的人仅仅受了服药的好处
there are people who are only helped by exercise; and there are people who are helped by both.
有的人仅仅受了锻炼的好处 还有的人两者好处皆有
So it's not saying let's do away with medication. It is important. It helps.
所以不能说 废除服药吧 它很重要 它确实有用
However it also says "let's try exercise, because I may be helped by exercise and not medication, or I may be helped by both.
但结果同时显示 "试试锻炼吧 因为我有可能是得益于锻炼而不是服药 或者得益于两者
Here is the clincher though in the study: so what we are looking for, as I look in all these studies,
研究的关键在于 我们在看这些研究时 想搞清楚的是
is the relapse rates, meaning 6 months after the end of the study when we no longer give medication,
复发率 实验结束半年后 我们不再让他们服药
when we no longer push the participants to exercise three times a week at least, what happens after 6 months?
不再强迫被试者锻炼 每周至少三次 半年后如何了呢