1. as the day wore on 随着时间的流逝
As the day wore on, she became increasingly franticabout her daughter alone at home.
时间一点一点地过去,她越来越控制不住对独自在家的女儿的牵挂 。
2. add to sth. 增加
That will add to my pleasure.
那样,我就又多了一重乐趣 。
3. become known for 因为……闻名于世;被以为
Harry had become known for such a cheerful, positive spirit that his co-workers were sure something was wrong with him that morning.
大家都觉得哈利是个乐观开朗的人,所以,才会感觉他那天早上不太对劲 。
4. jump to conclusions 妄下结论
When a traffic accident happened, the persons involved shouldn't jump to conclusions before police came and gave a judgement.
如果发生交通事故,在警察来做出认定之前,当事人不应妄下结论 。
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