Voice 2: Thembi has experienced many hard times in the last few years. And she has recorded many of those hard situations. While recording, Thembi tells her father for the first time that she has AIDS. It was a very hard thing for Thembi to do. She also records herself after a time when she was very ill. She says,
Voice 4: "My face was becoming like bones. I could not walk. Everything that was happening I thought would never happen to me. I just wanted to sit home and hide."
Voice 1: Many people do not understand the AIDS disease. They fear it. And they fear the people who have it. It can be dangerous for people who have AIDS in Thembi's community. She said,
Voice 4: "People talk. People point. Sometimes if people hear that you have AIDS they will burn your house down, so that you cannot stay there anymore."
来源:可可英语 //www.utensil-race.com/Article/201904/583868.shtml