I was running a bit behind today, so if you guys wouldn't mind, can I write out my thank-you notes right now?
All right. Why would I do this on national television? Wow. I don't know. Why wouldn't I do it after the show?
Yeah, do it after the show. No, I have to do it now cause the m...The male man's coming?
The mail person is coming. Oh. Wow. Wow. How rude. How rude. M-A-L-E.....male person.
Yeah, the male...that's no. I was saying the M-A-L-E M-A-N. What's that? I was saying the male man. Yeah.
没错,男性,不是,我说的是M-A-L-E M-A-N,这是啥?我说的是男性人,没错。
Not M-A-I-L. You thought I said...? Wow. Wait, so you....you were saying the M-A-L-E M-A-N? Yes. Double man? Yes. Wow.
不是M-A-I-L,你认为我说的是?等一下,你是说M-A-L-E M-A-N?没错,两个男性,哦哦。
Oh, I see how it is now. Dang. Oh. Uh, James, can I get some thank-you-note-writing music, please?
Oh, wow. There he is. Thank you, James. I appreciate it. Wow. Mr. Purple.
Thank you, March Madness, for letting me hear Cheryl in Human Resources drop an F-bomb at 3:00 in the afternoon.
My bracket's busted! My bracket's busted! She has a foul mouth.
Thank you, new Stranger Things trailer getting over 10 million YouTube views in 24 hours,
for showing that the only thing that can pull us away from Netflix is trailers for Netflix.
It looks good. Yeah. Thank you, Amazon's new skin care line, for bringing us all one step closer to saying,
Hey, moisturizer play Counting Crows. Mr. Jones and me.
Thank you, Band-aids, for protecting my tiny scrape, and for ruthlessly murdering all of my nearby arm hair.
Ow, ow, ow, ow. Fast. Fast! One last time. That's it. All right, that's it. Now, in the Mexican city of tonight...
Thank you, crudites platters, for being the perfect way to tell your friends, I was too lazy to make a salad, so here's a plate of toppings.
Just put them together. Thank you, book on my nightstand, for giving me something to put my phone on when I go to sleep.
I should read that. Oh, yeah, yeah. I heard it's really good. Or a drink.
Thank you, stools, for being chairs that want people to sit down, relax, and take a load off, but only kinda. It's too much work.
Thank you, Fiber One, for answering the question what if a cereal tasted like it was made out of cereal boxes? It's g...It's good?
谢谢Fiber One谷物,你问了一个问题,那就是谷物盒子制作的谷物是什么味道?真的好吗?
The slogan is It's good with a question mark. Yeah. Question. It's good? It's good? For me?
Thank you, people who say ex-squeeze-me, for making me immediately want to block your path from now until the end of time.
Ex-squeeze-me. Those are my thank-you notes.