1.tear up 撕毁;毁坏
"After a contentious, 90-minute session, it was agreed that the owners would tear up their proposal," Hunter said.
“经过90分钟的激烈争论,我们一致同意撕毁老板们的提议,”亨特表示 。
2.bark out 大声喊出
Generals will bark out orders to their regiments as the player orchestrates the battle utilizing formations unit abilities and drills.
当玩家根据阵列、兵种和操作来编排战斗时,将军向他们的军队咆哮着发布命令 。
3.pick up捡起;学会
I will probably pick up some new ideas and understanding from them, which I'll relay to you, the next time we meet.
或许我将会从他们那儿学到一些新的想法和认识,所有的这些,在下次我们相遇的时候,我都会教给你 。
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