James Mattis spent his last day in office as America’s defence secretary. Mr Mattis decided to step down after Donald Trump unilaterally announced the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. (Mr Trump also said he would downsize America’s deployment to Afghanistan, but he appears to have changed his mind.) Mr Mattis had wanted to stay until February, but Mr Trump gave him a week to clear his desk.
詹姆斯·马蒂斯(James Mattis)度过了担任美国国防部长的最后一天。特朗普单方面宣布从叙利亚撤军后,马蒂斯决定辞职。(特朗普还表示,他还将缩减美国在阿富汗的驻军人数,但他似乎又改变了主意。)马蒂斯原本有望留任至明年2月份,但特朗普让他在一周内“卷铺盖走人”。
Mr Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria was felt across the Middle East. Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s dictator, welcomed it, as did his Russian and Iranian backers. America’s Kurdish allies, feeling betrayed, asked Mr Assad to protect them from a looming offensive by Turkey. And Arab countries that loathe Mr Assad quickly tried to make up with him.
整个中东地区都受到特朗普从叙利亚撤军决定的影响。叙利亚独裁者巴沙尔·阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)对此表示欢迎,支持他的俄罗斯和伊朗亦是如此。而深感“背叛”的美国的库尔德盟友要求阿萨德保护他们免受土耳其近在眼前的进攻。而厌恶阿萨德的阿拉伯国家很快向其示好。
Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, called for an election to be held on April 9th, seven months earlier than originally scheduled. Many see this as an attempt by Mr Netanyahu to head off possible corruption charges.
以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Binyamin Netanyahu)呼吁在4月9日举行大选,比原计划提前了7个月。许多人认为这是内塔尼亚胡试图阻止可能的腐败指控。
Elizabeth Warren became the first heavy-hitter to enter the race for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in 2020. The senator from Massachusetts favours higher taxes, universal health care and 40% of seats on company boards reserved for workers.
伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)成为首位在2020年角逐民主党总统候选人提名的重量级人物。这位来自马萨诸塞州的参议员支持提高税收、全民医疗保险和主张公司董事会中为工人保留40%的席位。
Jair Bolsonaro, a former army captain and apologist for military rule, took office as Brazil’s president. Addressing congress, he proposed a “national pact” to overcome “the yoke of corruption, criminality” and “economic irresponsibility”. In a more combative speech to a crowd of 100,000, he said he would free Brazil from “socialism, inverted values, the bloated state and political correctness”.
前陆军上尉和军事统治的辩护者——雅伊尔·博索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)就任巴西总统。在国会发表演讲时,他提出了一项“国家协定”,以打破“腐败、犯罪”和“经济不负责任”的枷锁。在针对10万民众发表的更具攻击性的演讲中,他表示,他将把巴西从“社会主义、混乱的价值观、臃肿的奇怪政府、以及政治正确”中解放出来。