1. come to a standstill 停滞;停摆
Since the introduction of policies to limit speculation in mid-April, the market has almost come to a standstill.
自4月中旬出台旨在遏制投机的一揽子政策以来,中国房地产市场几乎就停了 。
2. limited number of 数量有限的
As a result of this achievement, you may be eiligible to compete for a limited number of scholarship awards to be announced at Honors Day.
由于你的出色表现和成就,你有能力竞争名额有限的奖学金,获奖结果将在开学典礼上宣布 。
3. the prospect of 前景;可能性
The prospect of climate change presented both a great challenge and a great opportunity.
发生气候变化这一可能性既是一个严峻挑战,也是一个巨大机会 。
4. draw criticism from 受到了……的批评
Mr. Lee also drew criticism from rights groups that accused him of proscribing public gatherings and other civil liberties.
与此同时,李光耀也受到了人权组织的批评,他被指剥夺了民众集会等公民自由权 。
n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的