1.moral compass 道德指南
They are the proverbial moral compass that always points true north.
它们是谚语中所说的总是指对方向的道德指南 。
2.surging from 上升
China's urban population has more than doubled between 1980 and 2010, surging from 19% to 47%, and is expected to reach 59% by 2025.
1980年到2010年间,中国的城市人口增加了一倍以上,城市化水平从1980年的19%跃升至2010年的47%,预计至2025年将高达59% 。
3.start-up 启动;初创企业
Saved after each use of program and read in at start-up, if available.
每次使用程序后保存在起来,如果可用,启动时读取 。
4.a flash of insight 灵光一现
And you may have had the following strange experience. You listed, you weighed, you calculated the answer--and, in a flash of insight, you realised it was the wrong one.
当然,你也可能会有以下奇怪体会:列举出理由,衡量利弊,最后计算答案—突然,灵光一现,你意识到得到的是一个错误的答案 。
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