1. beat down 击败
When it comes to the integration of the internet into the film business, "China beats Hollywood down easily," Mr Shiao argues.
谈到互联网与电影产业的融合,萧先生说:"中国可以轻而易举地击败好莱坞 。"
2. bother with 尝试
Don't bother with sleeping pills, they can actually cause worse insomnia later.
千万不要去尝试安眠药,因为服用它们只会在以后引起更严重的失眠 。
3. No wonder 难怪
No wonder you can't find anybody here; they're all away at a meeting.
难怪找不到人,都开会去了 。
4. long to.. 渴望
"Pray tell your sister that I long to see her . "
"请你告诉令妹,我很想和她见见面 。"
n. 大都市的居民,大主教
adj. 大都市的