But I want to suggest that there's also a fifth one.
And I think of this as a kind of existential wake-up call.
That night in my apartment, after I got done kicking myself and so forth, I lay in bed for a long time, and I thought about skin grafts.
And then I thought about how, much as travel insurance doesn't cover acts of God, probably my health insurance did not cover acts of idiocy.
In point of fact, no insurance covers acts of idiocy.
The whole point of acts of idiocy is that they leave you totally uninsured; they leave you exposed to the world and exposed to your own vulnerability and fallibility in face of, frankly, a fairly indifferent universe.
This is obviously an incredibly painful experience.
And I think it's particularly painful for us now in the West in the grips of what I sometimes think of as a Control-Z culture-Control-Z like the computer command, undo.
We're incredibly used to not having to face life's hard realities, in a certain sense.
We think we can throw money at the problem or throw technology at the problem-we can undo and unfriend and unfollow.
And the problem is that there are certain things that happen in life that we desperately want to change and we cannot.
Sometimes instead of Control-Z, we actually have zero control.
And for those of us who are control freaks and perfectionists-and I know where of I speak-this is really hard, because we want to do everything ourselves and we want to do it right.