"What's inside it?" asked Wilbur."Eggs?"
"Five hundred and fourteen of them," she replied.
"Five hundred and fourteen?" said Wilbur. "You're kidding."
"No, I'm not. I counted them.
I got started counting so I kept on
- just to keep my mind occupied."
"It's a perfectly beautiful egg sac," said Wilbur,
feeling as happy as though he had constructed it himself.
"Yes, it is pretty," replied Charlotte, patting the sac with her two front legs.
"Anyway, I can guarantee that it is strong.
It's made out of the toughest material I have.
It is also waterproof.
The eggs are inside and will be warm and dry."
"Charlotte," said Wilbur dreamily, "are you really going to have five hundred and fourteen children?"
"If nothing happens, yes," she said.
"Of course, they won't show up till next spring."
Wilbur noticed that Charlotte's voice sounded sad.