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ESL露西的一天(MP3+中英字幕) 第8期:起床讲解(7)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Lucy says that when she gets up, the first thing she does is to put on her robe. To put on her robe, "robe." A robe, which is sometimes called a bathrobe, is a large piece of clothing that you wear. It covers the top of your body, and usually the bottom of your body, up to maybe your knees. And, it is something that you wear often after a bath so that you don't get cold. It's something you wear so that you can go into the bathroom and you don't need to put your clothes on. Usually this is something you use in the morning after you shower or when you get up to go into your bathroom so you are not cold.

Lucy puts on her robe because it is "always so cold in" her "apartment in the mornings." So, cold here means very cold. It's always very cold - it's always so cold in her apartment, "no matter what time of year it is" - January, June, September - it's always cold. "Then," she says, she usually makes her bed. To make your bed means to put the sheets and the blankets - the comforter - back on the bed so that it looks nice - so that it doesn't look messy, "messy." When we say the bed is messy we mean it is not made up - it doesn't look nice. This is my problem; I don't make my bed as often as I should. When you go to a hotel the maid makes your bed, "maid." The maid is the person that comes in and cleans your room and makes your bed. My mother would say, when I was young, "I'm not your maid. You have to make your own bed." Actually, I think it would be a good idea for me to get a maid now, so I don't have to worry about making my bed.

关键字: 英语听力 起床 ESL




