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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

You just look fantastic. Oh, well, thank you.

你看上去很棒 哦 是么 谢谢
Thank you. You look so good.
谢谢你 你看上去很好
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
谢谢 谢谢 谢谢 谢谢
Now, I have not been back since
uh, I I started the show I guess back in August,
额 我就没有回去过
so I haven't been, uh, up north lately,
所以我最近没 额 北上去
but we are neighbors and you have brought me vegetable once.
但是我们是邻居 你曾经带给我蔬菜 就一次
Actually, a couple of times. No, twice, twice. Okay, thank you. Twice.
事实上 不止一次 哦对 两次 是两次 没错 谢谢 两次


You missed that time. No, twice.

你忘了那一次 不 两次
But now, I know you have a big garden.
但是现在 我知道你有一个很大的花园
I know you have an overflow.
What don't I get more? Because--
And see, you see how you just forgot
然后你看 你看你忘了
that I actually bought it the second time?
Uh-huh. It's because when--when I brought that big basket in--
额 对 因为 当 当我带着那个大篮子去给你的时候
Uh-huh. And you said, "What am I supposed to do with this?"
嗯 你说“我要拿这些怎么办?”
Oh, no I didn't. Yeah, you did.
哦 不 我这么说了么 是的 你说了
You said, "What am I supposed to do with this?"
你说 “我要拿这些蔬菜怎么办?”
because you--you know, I decided you don't cook--you don't cook. No.
因为你 你知道么 我知道了你不做饭 你不做饭 不做
And you are-- you do not get as excited about basil as I do.
然后你 你不会像我这样对香料很感兴趣
I get-I get really excited about basil, and keeping the basil, so--
我对 我对香料很感兴趣 种植香料 所以
I decided I would just give the vegetables to other people. Aw, no.
我决定把这些菜给别人 哦 不
I would give the vegetables to other people.
Now, you all don't know this, or maybe you do,
所以你们不理解 你可能知道
that Ellen gave me an apple tree for my birthday. Yup. Yes.
艾伦在我生日的时候送了我一棵苹果树 是哒 没错
Which is now bearing fruit. I thought to bring you the fruit--
这棵树现在结果了 我想过给你带点果实
But? I thought better of it. Oh, no.
但是?我想到更好的主意 哦 不
They're my apples! I said, "I'm not bringing her those apples."
这是我的苹果! 我说“我不给她带苹果”
'Cause, first of all, Stedman loves apple pie, and we can just use the apples
因为 最重要的是 斯特曼喜欢苹果派 所以我们决定用这些苹果
for people who want to use the apples, 'cause--
给那些想要用苹果烹饪的人 因为
Well, I want-I'll come over for apple pie and have it with Stedman. Okay.
好吧 我想 我会来吃苹果派的 然后和斯特丹一起分享 好的
I thought-I thought you would, like, feed the apples to your horses or something.
我猜 我曾经猜你会 比如用苹果喂马之类的
Well, uh, Portia would definitely do that,
这个么 额 波西娅肯定会这么做
but there's nothing wrong with that either.
Are the big apples? Are they tiny?
那些苹果大么 还是很小的那种
They're not tiny. They're not the little cranberry-No, they're not that.
它们不小 不小 不是那种小浆果一样…不是 不是那样的
They're not tiny. I should have brought them. I should have sent-I was gonna--
它们不小 我应该给你带点的 我应该送 我本来准备
while I was passing them this morning,
I thought to take a photo-Yeah. And then, I'm not--
我想过拍张照 是么 然后 我没有拍
You have the most amazing property
and the most amazing trees and that's why
最令人惊讶的树 这也是我
I gave you a tree 'cause I know you love trees.
送你树的原因 因为我知道你爱树
Yes. But really, you have a magnificent-Well, you know,
是的 但是真的 你有着壮观的… 嗯 你知道
having that property was a dream of mine.
I remember when I was doing "The Color Purple."
That's where I sit. Is that my--oh, that's my favorite tree on the property.
我就坐在那里 那是我……哦 这是我花园里最爱的一棵树
Um, we call that the promised land tree.
嗯 我们叫它 应许之树
So I I have, you know-I remember when I used to go to church with my father on Sundays.
所以我 你知道么 我记得 小时候跟我爸爸一起去教堂做礼拜
He had a big, green 1958 Oldsmobile.
and we would drive through the rich people--rich white people's neighborhood.
我们会从有钱人旁边开过 有钱的白人邻居
After church-- anybody, any black people ever do this--
礼拜后…任何人 任何黑人也这样做过么
drive through the rich white people's neighborhood?
And you would--you would look at the houses--
然后你会 你就会看着她们的房子
I would drive through rich, white people's neighborhoods.
We drive through the rich, white people's neighborhood--
I was poor. And you'd look at all--look at the houses. And I would dream about
我小时候也很穷 然后你就看着 看着这些房子 你就会梦想
a house that I could own one day or possibly live in one day.
And all the houses that I loved were surrounded by lots of trees.
So I, in my mind, measured wealth with trees.
所以我 在我心目中 我用树来衡量财富
So the more trees you have, the wealthier you are.
所以你有越多的树 代表你越有钱
And I do believe I won. Yeah. I think I won. I think-- Yeah. I think you won.
所以我相信我赢了 是的 我想我赢了 我觉得 耶 我也觉得你赢了
Now I look out at my yard in the morning,
and all the trees-I measure, you know--Yeah. Success by trees.
和所有的树 我在算 你懂么 是的 我成功了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
overflow ['əuvə'fləu]


n. 溢值,超值,泛滥
v. 泛滥,溢出

measured ['meʒəd]


adj. 量过的,慎重的,基于标准的,有韵律的 动词me

measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

property ['prɔpəti]


n. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的





