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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Congratulations. I saw you at the People's Choice Awards the other night.

恭喜你 那晚我看你在人民选择奖台领奖
Thank you. You too. It was fun, right? It was so fun.
谢谢 你也一样 很有趣 对吧?非常有趣
So many good people there. Oh, my God.
有许多优秀的人在那 噢 我的天呐
That was a blast, yeah. That was so much fun.
那可是一个劲爆的事 对 那可真是非常有趣
That was--we saw you there. You guys were looking amazing.
那…我们看见你在那 你们看起来太棒了
We saw you there, and Portia and I were like, "What is she doing? Look at those arms."
我们看见你在那 波西娅和我就在想“她是做什么的?瞧瞧那胳膊”
You're-- That was a heavy trophy. It is heavy.
你真…那真是一个很重的战利品 真是很重
I was, like, lifting, like, 25 pounds. Look at that. I love that.
我想 就像 抬起它大约有25磅 看那 我超喜欢的
I want to frame that. I love that picture. Yeah.
我想用镜框去框起它 我超爱那张图片 对


They were taking a picture of you--

the whole cast, and I was on my way out, so I just stopped and-- Yeah.
整个演员阵容的照片 我正要出去 所以我就停下来…是的
We just ran right in front of the camera.
That was a great photobomb. Yeah.
That was awesome. That was fun.
那真是极好的 同时也很有趣
So you forgot to--I understand you forgot to thank your husband.
所以 你忘了…据了解你忘了感谢你丈夫了
I forgot to thank my husband. It didn't go-- yeah, I completely blanked.
我确实是忘了感谢我丈夫了 确实不… 呃对 我的脑袋完全放空了
But don't worry, I had my ex-boyfriend thank him
不过别担心 晚会的结束
at the end of the night, so it worked out great for me.
我让我的前男友去感谢他了 所以 是不是很机智啊
Right. Yeah. Johnny really swooped in for me there.
很机智 对 约翰尼真的当场就向我扑来
Do people know that Johnny is your ex-boyfriend? Johnny Galecki.
It's funny, 'cause I-- yeah. I think most people kind of know.
这真的很好笑 因为我… 对 我认为大多的人都应该是知道的
You know, we're such good--he literally thanked my husband for me.
你得知道 我们真是一对很好的…他真的为我感谢我的丈夫
It was, like, the nicest thing.
这 确实是 最好的事情
So you went up first, and then you forgot.
所以你先上去了 然后就忘了
And then "The Big Bang Theory" won for the show, and then he thanked your husband.
到了《生活大爆炸》组去表演的时候 然后他就替你感谢你的丈夫
And then Johnny said to Ryan, you know,
对然后 约翰尼对赖安说 伙计你知道
"Your wife didn't thank you, but I will.
"你的妻子没有好好感谢你 不过我会感谢你的"
You have my heart." That's really sweet.
"谁让你偷走了我的心" 这真是很甜蜜哦
That's a great ex-boyfriend.
That is a great ex-boyfriend. Good friend, yeah.
确实是个很好的前男友 好朋友 对
And let's talk about--I don't know why everybody made a big deal of this,
换个话题 让我谈谈…我不知道为什么很多人对此反响很大
but you had surgery for a deviated septum.
I had sinus surgery the day after Christmas,
and it has been the worst surgery of my life.
Very painful, and on top of it, everyone, of course, thought I got a nose job.
非常疼 最重要的是每个人都因此认为我做了鼻子整形
Which is so funny because, if you know me,
这件事很有趣 因为 无论你是否了解我
I would've told you I got a nose job. Like, I'm not gonna keep it a secret.
我也会告诉你 我做了鼻子整形 我是不会保密的
But I was actually really addicted to nose spray, like Afrin.
但是我确实的沉醉于鼻喷雾 就像阿福林
After or before? Before. Like, for years.
之前还是之后?之前 几年了
Like, at award shows, I would have to pick out the right clutch to be able to fit my Afrin in it,
比如 在颁奖典礼上 我都必须挑选合适的离合器 这样我的阿福林就能装在里面
and I'd be under the table like... snorting it.
然后我就能在桌子底下 像这样…把它喷进去
I'm surprised there were no photos of, "What am I snorting?"
我很奇怪居然没有图片关于 “我在吸食什么呢?"
It was Afrin. And I couldn't get enough, and it was, like, such a problem, and I ruined my sinus,
是阿福林 我永远都吸不够 它成了个大问题 我毁了我的窦
so I had to get it fixed, and it was a really rough surgery.
所以我不得不去治疗 并且这真的是一个很粗糙的手术
That's how you ruined it?
I actually made it completely worse,
and he said I've completely-- like, I have to stop. Like, enough.
然后他说 我完全地…我不得不停下来 真的够了
Because Portia found out she has a deviated septum,
and she's supposed to get the surgery, and now that you're saying it's painful...
她应该去做手术 现在你说这是充满疼痛的…
It's the worst! Oh, you should totally get it done.
这是最最最糟糕的 噢 你必须告诉她去做手术
But it's the worst. It's really a smart thing to do.
但是这却是最糟糕的 这真的是一个明智的选择
It's gonna help me. I'm breathing better already. It takes a few weeks.
这确实上帮了我大忙 我现在呼吸很顺畅了 花了好几周时间
But it was hard on my husband.
Oh, it's been like--Why is it hard on him?
噢 就像…为什么使他变得遭罪呢?
He's been taking care of me. He's been amazing.
他一直在照顾着我 他真的很好
But the week of the surgery, I had a lot of medication,
但是手术这周 我拿了很多药物
so I don't remember a lot of stuff, and I told him--
所以 我太不能记得清很多东西 然后我告诉他…
I was convinced that I couldn't sleep.
I woke up I would wake up every morning. "I'm so tired, babe. I can't breathe."
我醒来… 我每天早上醒来 "我很累 宝贝 我不能呼吸"
Like, complaining. "I can't sleep. I'm definitely not sleeping."
一直抱怨着 "我不能呼吸 我肯定不能睡着"
So he... He said, "Trust me, you're sleeping."
所以他…他说:"相信我 你肯定能睡着的"
I'm like, "I'm not sleeping. I'm so tired."
我说:"我不能睡着 我很累"
So he decided, four nights in a row, to record me.
所以他决定 连续四个晚上 来记录着我
He said I'm not a snorer.
He goes, "I just want you to know you're sleeping."
I said, "I'm not sleeping."
So he took his phone out four nights in a row and recorded my snoring.
You brought that? Yeah, and I brought it in to show you because I was truly shocked by this.
你带了嘛?是的 我带了 现在放给你看 因为我真的被震惊到了
That's real. That is real.
那是真的 那是真的
I said, "Ryan, I'm not sleeping." He's like-- he sent me four videos.
我说:"赖安 我没在睡觉" 他就… 发给我四个视频
He's like, "This has been my week." Yeah.
他说:"这就是我的一周" 对
So not only did I not thank him, I'm snoring.
所以 我不仅没感谢他 我还打鼾
My ex thanked him. I've been the worst wife.
我让前任感谢他 我真是个糟糕的妻子
It's just been just one of those things.
That is a lot to put up with. That's a lot of snoring. It's a lot of snoring.
他一直忍受着 伴随许多的打鼾声 确确实实是很多打鼾声
I was gonna ask you if you're starting a family, but probably not.
我得问问你 你是否开始建立一个家庭了 但是我猜答案有可能是不
I mean, that's not gonna help anything.
我的意思是 那没有任何的帮助
That's not helping anything. No. Starting a--no.
这没有任何帮助 没有 开始 …没有
That's not--he's very-- it's not a turn-on.
No. It's not been sexy. Can you believe that? No, it's really upsetting.
不 这不没有性感 你能相信这嘛?不 这令人很苦恼
Can you believe I brought that? Yeah, I'm really proud of you for that.
你能相信我带了来了嘛?是的 我真的为你感到骄傲
Thank you. Yeah. I said, "Oh, this is gold for 'Ellen.'"
谢谢 对 我说:“噢 这就是黄金艾伦”
Right when he sent me this, I knew.
当他给我这个 我知道
I said, "This is gonna be perfect for the show."
Of course it is. Yeah, I knew you'd love it.
当然 是的 我知道你会爱上它的
It was fantastic. I know. That's a very brave thing-- to share that.
这太棒了 我知道 这是一个非常勇敢的事…去分享它
Well, you know, I want you to see the real me.
好吧 你知道 我想让你看到真实的我
That's the true me right there. It's the true you. Yep.
这是我真的我在这 这是真的你 是哒
And yet you clean up real good. Thank you. Yeah.
你的真实是很好的 谢谢你 是的

重点单词   查看全部解释    
convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

trophy ['trəufi]


n. 奖品,战利品

frame [freim]


n. 框,结构,骨架
v. 构成,把 ...

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

surgery ['sə:dʒəri]


n. 外科,外科手术,诊所

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的





