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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第419期:工作越忙越要平衡生活

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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7 Ways To Stay Balanced And Happy Even When You're Extremely Busy
People are living busier and busier lives these days, taking on more and more with every passing month—more work commitments, relationship commitments, family commitments, social commitments, the list goes on...therefore staying happy and relatively balanced seems a task of Sisyphus (the man in mythology who rolled a boulder up a mountain every day only for it to roll back down to the bottom at the end of the day), i.e. Impossible.
Is it impossible to be balanced and happy when you've got a hell of a workload? No. Don't get me wrong, it's a tricky tightrope act to master, but don't worry—plenty of people have their own ways for achieving everything they need to do and still have time for everything they want to do in life. This is the art of life-balance. Here are just seven of the best tips that I heartily recommend if you're stuck looking for how to keep your balance and be happy at the same time.


1. Check your necessary needs.
Let's get down to basics—if you want to stay balanced and happy, you need to make sure all of your basic needs are being met. Anyone who has ever pulled an all-nighter finishing up work or a project can tell you that while the sense of accomplishment remains, you physically feel a wreck and you can barely keep your eyes open unless you have an intravenous drip of coffee somewhere about your position.
【阅读】You should make sure you get enough sleep every night, that your diet has plenty of healthy, balanced food, and that your work is not completely taking over your life to the point of exhaustion, both physically and mentally, and you should make sure that even when you're busy, you stay balanced by making sure your basic human needs are being met.
2. Plan ahead as much as you can.
One way to ensure that you have everything under control, minimizing the chances for missing something and throwing your busy day off course, is to plan everything you possibly can. People can plan things however they want—there are plenty of to-do list and organization apps on every kind of smartphone platform possible, or a good old pen and paper works well too (I use both).
【阅读】I mean, it's impossible to control everything, but in the end, making sure you have a list of everything you need to do, obtain, and achieve by the end of the day will make sure that going about your day, no matter how busy, will give you a reminder of everything that not only you need to complete, but what you have already successful achieved.
3. Stay fed and stay hydrated.
This all seems like such basic stuff, but one way to make sure you stay happy and balanced throughout every instance of being busy is to keep up a solid eating and drinking routine. That's not to say you should only stick to the same thing day in, day out, or even that you shouldn't indulge on a daily basis (in fact: go for it, but in moderation); rather, I am simply proposing making sure you have three decent meals a day.
【阅读】This is for the generation of people–myself included–who see something hot from Starbucks as a nutritious breakfast; coffee may motivate you for a little while, but then you'll crash pretty damn hard. Make sure you drink plenty of water too; dehydration is the last thing you need on a busy day, and water also has the benefits of flushing out the kidneys and making the skin better, so that if an important meeting with a client is on your agenda, then looking your tip-top best is something we cannot help but advocate.
4. Keep an eye on your emotions.
There are some times when we're running late or just generally having a bad day, when our emotions begin to spiral out of control. Anger escalates, stress skyrockets, anxiety soars. Our handle on our emotional experiences can drop and make us act extremely out of character, often to the detriment of our loved ones. We snap, we yell, and we lose our true selves when we're under huge amounts of pressure.
【阅读】So what can be done to change this? After all, it doesn't do to be snapping at friends and family. So how about keeping an eye on your emotions throughout the day, say every half an hour. Stop, see how you're feeling, and then see if something needs to be done. Maybe make a mental visual picture of traffic lights; if things are all okay, see green lights; if they're not, then use amber or red, so that you can realize what's happening and then regulate those emotions. Take deep breaths, centre yourself, and then move on with your day.
5. Make time for yourself.
No matter what you go through in your day-to-day life, one of the best ways to stay balanced and maintain a feeling of happiness is to schedule in plenty of pockets of 'me time'. Rather than rushing around and then trying to gain some kind of peace and serenity at the end of the day, it is better to carve out segments of time throughout your working day.
【阅读】Ensure that you actually take time with lunch and it's not on the move or at your desk. Spend five minutes at the beginning of your day with some breathing exercises. Make sure you shower or bath regularly and that the end of the day is spent without mobile phones, email, or anything more taxing. Listen, for example, to some relaxing music or read a good book. Make sure that you are treating yourself and ensuring yourself of some relaxation time are spread throughout the day at scheduled intervals–they'll allow you some breathing room, a chance to clear your head and reassess the situations you've been in at work, and allow your mind to be at its best.
6.Don't take on more than you can handle.
In this modern age, we're expected more and more to take on more and more—it doesn't matter that we're already juggling impossible expectations, work, dealing with pressures of family, friends and social media; we always seem to find more and more stuff piled on our proverbial plate. My advice, in order to keep your sanity, is to therefore keep your load to a minimum amount.
【阅读】There are, obviously, going to be commitments that you will not be able to shed—work, family, friends—but don't go signing yourself up for extra projects and events that will take up more time than you're secretly okay with sacrificing. Saying no doesn't mean you're giving up, it means you're selecting and dividing up boundaries, which is not a bad thing and will prove conducive to keeping your balance in check.
7. Learn your human limitations.
This final tip works particularly well in the wake of the New Year where everyone is making big resolutions that usually fall flat by the end of the first month—but let's be realistic, all of us. When you've got a big day ahead, one teeming with errands and possibilities and commitments, it will make you much happier and more balanced.
【阅读】You're not a superhuman. You cannot fit more hours into the day, and if you're following all the tips I'm offering, you'll be getting plenty of sleep and personal time anyway. You're a flawed, fantastic human being, so going around like a thing possessed trying to get everything done in the span of a few hours is not only unrealistic, it also suggests that you need to sit down and reconsider what's important in your life. Staying balanced and staying happy are not impossible when you happen to be living a busy life. Sure, they require a bit of planning and contemplating about your life and what's important, but implementing these tips might be able to help add some centre to your life.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
realistic [riə'listik]


adj. 现实的,现实主义的

decent ['di:snt]


adj. 体面的,正派的,得体的,相当好的

yell [jel]


v. 大叫
n. 大喊

span [spæn]


n. 跨度,跨距,间距
vt. 横跨,贯穿,估

conducive [kən'dju:siv]


adj. 有助于 ... 的

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

boulder ['bəuldə]


n. 大圆石,巨砾

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

drip [drip]


n. 滴,点滴,乏味的人,水滴
v. 滴下,漏

flawed [flɔ:d]


adj. 有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的





