So today, what‟s my called action?
于是今天 我的号召是什么呢
I wanna help improve a multicultural exchange between the east and the west.
I think I have made that clear, but how?
这一点我想我已经表达的很清楚了 但是如何做到呢
I think…
You can all become pop singers. Really…
I think that's the answer. No, I am just kidding.
这样就好了 我开个玩笑
Unless that's what you really wanna do.
不过如果成为歌手真的是你想做的事情 那就另当别论了
My called action is this:
我在此 号召各位
build and protect that roommate relationship between the east and the west.
请务必在东方与西方横亘的隔阂间 建立一种室友般的情谊
Value this relationship and take ownership of it.
并且能尽所能及的保护这份情谊 珍惜它 拥有它
Don't come to Oxford as an exchange student from Taiwan and only hang out with other Chinese students.
千万不要千里迢迢从台湾跑来牛津大学当交换生 还一天到晚只和中国学生聚一块
Why would you do that?
你说你这是干嘛 对吧
You could do that back in Wuhan or Nanjing or wherever you came from.
这些事你在武汉 在南京 在老家的时候都能做对吧