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So either they were going to get the tenure or not. And he asked them, How happy are you going to be.

他们要么得到要么得不到 他问他们你会多快乐

If you get the tenure? And they said, Ecstatic!

如果你得到终身职位? 他们说喜出望外

This is something I've working on for many years and this will be it.

这是我多年努力的目标 这将会是

This will be a dream come true. And How happy are you going to stay for.

将是梦想成真 你会快乐多久?

And they said, For the rest of our lives. Because this is something we've been working for very long time.

他们说余生都会很快乐 因为这是我们努力很久的目标

It will make everything so much easier. I can get off the publish-or-perish race.

它会让一切变得更简单 我可以停止不成功便成仁的竞争

I can enjoy my work much more. This is going to transform my life.

我可以更加享受工作 这将改变我的人生

And he asked them, What happens if you don't get tenure? If you are rejected.

他问他们如果得不到终身职位会怎样? 如果被拒绝呢?

And they said, We are going to be devastated. This is something we've been working for many, many years.

他们说我们会很难过 这是我们多年来努力的目标

And How long are you going to be devastated for? Probably until we get tenure somewhere else.

那你们会痛苦多久? 可能直到我们在别处获得终身职位

But even then, that may not be enough. Because once you don't get tenure in one place.

即使到了那时 可能也不够 如果在一所学校无法获得终身职位

You don't go up in terms of the ranking of the school you very often would get tenure but elsewhere.

就没有可能在更高学府取得 经常是在别的院校获得

School that is not considered as good as the one where you were rejected.

那些比拒绝你的学院 差一等的院校

So it will be devastating for a very long time. And Gilbert went to them at the moment.

所以那会让人难过很久 Gilbert再去访问他们

When they got the tenure decision. Some of them got them. Others did not.

这时他们已知道终身职位审核结果 有些得到 有些没得到

重点单词   查看全部解释    
decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

devastating ['devəsteitiŋ]


adj. 毁灭性的,令人震惊的,强有力的

transform [træns'fɔ:m]


vt. 转换,变形
vi. 改变

devastated ['devəsteitid]


adj. 毁坏的;极为震惊的 v. 毁坏;摧毁(deva





