But as Abraham Lincoln's body lies in state in the East Room of the White House,
亚伯拉罕·林肯的遗体在下葬前供人吊唁 安放在白宫的东厅的时候
John Wilkes Booth lies on a bed of dirt and pine needles,and reads the worst reviews of his life.
约翰·威尔克斯·布思躺在 一堆尘土和松针上 读到了他一生关于他最坏的评论
A man who was raised on Shakespeare is brought to his knees by his own hubris.
一个读莎士比亚长大的人 由于自己的狂妄自大而屈膝投降
In one fell swoop, with one grand gesture,
猛然间 惊世骇俗地
he has changed the course of American history and dramatically jeopardized the fate of the South that he loved so dearly.
他就改变了美国历史的进程 并且大大危及了 他所挚爱的南方地区的命运
Booth's tragedy is nearly complete.
On the night of April 20th,Thomas Jones leads Booth and Herold to a boat.
4月20日夜晚 托马斯·琼斯带着布思和赫罗尔德上了一条小船
The current is strong.
There are naval patrols searching the Potomac for the fugitives.
海军巡逻队正在波多马克河上 搜寻这两位亡命之徒
John Wilkes Booth has less than six days to live.
On April 18th, Abraham Lincoln's dream of an assassinated president lying in state in the East Room of the White House is fully realized.
4月18日 亚伯拉罕·林肯梦到的 一位被刺杀的总统的遗体停放在白宫东房 成为了现实
On April 21st,Lincoln's body leaves Washington by train,to travel 2,662 kilometers to Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois.
4月21日 林肯的遗体被火车运离华盛顿 经过2662公里的长途跋涉 到达伊利诺伊州普林菲尔德市的橡树岭墓园